In: Statistics and Probability
a. Various ways of enhancing scaterplots:
1 . Enhancing scatterplots with smothed densities
2. Enhancing scatterplots using Ellipsoid pixel placement and shading. coplots constructed and reason of using:
A conditional plot, also known as a coplot or subset plot, is a plot of two variables contional on the value of a third variable (called the conditioning variable). The conditioning variable may be either a variable that takes on only a few discrete values or a continuous variable that is divided into a limited number of subsets.
One limitation of the scatter plot matrix is that it cannot show interaction effects with another variable. This is the strength of the conditioning plot. It is also useful for displaying scatter plots for groups in the data. Although these groups can also be plotted on a single plot with different plot symbols, it can often be visually easier to distinguish the groups using the conditional plot.
Although the basic concept of the conditioning plot matrix is simple, there are numerous alternatives in the details of the plots.
c. Plots used to the distributional assumptions:
1 one commonly used metho is the probability plot (Gerson ,1975) of which the quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot is a special case.
2.another graphical method is not as widely used as the probability plot is the
normal density plot (Jones and Daly, 1995; Hazelton 2003).