
In: Accounting

Chart of Accounts Assets 111 Cash 112 Accounts Receivable 114 Prepaid Insurance 121 Land 122 Building...

Chart of Accounts


111 Cash

112 Accounts Receivable

114 Prepaid Insurance

121 Land

122 Building

123 Accumulated Depreciation, Building

124 Pool/Slide Facility

125 Accumulated Depreciation, Pool/Slide Facility

126 Pool Furniture

127 Accumulated Depreciation, Pool Furniture


221 Accounts Payable

222 Wages Payable

223 Mortgage Payable

Owner's Equity

311 L. Judar, Capital

312 L. Judar, Drawing

313 Income Summary


411 Income from Services

412 Concessions Income


511 Pool Maintenance Expense

512 Wages Expense

513 Advertising Expense

514 Utilities Expense

515 Interest Expense

517 Insurance Expense

518 Depreciation Expense, Building

519 Depreciation Expense, Pool/Slide Facility

520 Depreciation Expense, Pool Furniture

522 Miscellaneous Expense

You are to record transactions in a two-column general journal. Assume that the fiscal period is

one month. You will then be able to complete all the steps in the accounting cycle.

When you are analyzing the transactions, think them through by visualizing the T accounts or by

writing them down on scratch paper. For unfamiliar types of transactions, specific instructions

for recording them are included. However, reason them out for yourself as well. Check off each

transaction as it is recorded.

July 1 Judar deposited $135,000 in a bank account for the purpose of buying Blast Off! The

business is a recreation area offering three large waterslides (called ?tubes?)?one

children's slide, an inner tube run, and a looping extreme slide.

2 Bought Blast Off! in its entirety for a total price of $540,800. The assets include pool

furniture, $3,800; the pool/slide facility (includes filter system, pools, pump, and slides),

$148,800; building, $96,200; and land, $292,000. Paid $120,000 down and signed a

mortgage note for the remainder.

2 Received and paid the bill for a one-year premium for insurance, $12,240.

2 Bought 125 inner tubes from Worn Tires for $1,225, paying $500 down, with the

remainder due in 20 days.

3 Signed a contract with a video game company to lease space for video games and to

provide a food concession. The rental income agreed upon is 10 percent of the revenues

generated from the machines and food, with the estimated monthly rental income paid in

advance. Received cash payment for July, $250.

5 Received bills totaling $1,320 for the grand opening/Fourth of July party. The bill from

Party Rentals for the promotional handouts, balloons, decorations, and prizes was $620,

and the newspaper advertising bills from the City Star were $700. (These expenses

should all be considered advertising expense.)

6 Signed a one-year contract for the pool maintenance with All-Around Maintenance and

paid the maintenance fee for July of $1,600.

6 Paid cash for employee picnic food and beverages, $128. (Debit Miscellaneous Expense.)

7 Received $12,086 in cash as income for the use of the facilities.

9 Bought parts for the filter system on account from Arlen's Pool Supply, $646. (Debit Pool

Maintenance Expense.)

14 Received $10,445 in cash as income for the use of the facilities.

15 Paid wages to employees for the period ended July 14, $9,460.

16 Paid cash as partial payment on account for promotional expenses recorded on July 5,


16 Judar withdrew cash for personal use, $2,500.

17 Bought additional pool furniture from Pool Suppliers for $2,100; payment due in 30 days.

18 Paid cash to seamstress for alterations and repairs to the character costumes, $328. (Debit

Miscellaneous Expense.)

21 Received $10,330 in cash as income for the use of the facilities.

21 Paid cash to Worn Tires as partial payment on account, $600.

23 Received a $225 reduction of our account from Pool Suppliers for lawn chairs received in

damaged condition.

25 Received and paid telephone bill, $292.

29 Paid wages for the period July 15 through 28 of $8,227.

31 Received $11,870 in cash as income for the use of the facilities.

31 Paid cash to Arlen's Pool Supply to apply on account, $360.

31 Received and paid water bill, $684.

31 Paid cash as an installment payment on the mortgage, $3,890. Of this amount, $1,910

represents a reduction in the principal and the remainder is interest.

31 Received and paid electric bill, $942.

31 Bought additional inner tubes from Worn Tires for $480, paying $100 down, with the

remainder due in 30 days.

31 Judar withdrew cash for personal use, $3,200.

31 Sales for the video and food concessions amounted to $4,840, and 10 percent of $4,840

equals $484. Because you have already recorded $250 as concessions income, record the

additional $234 revenue due from the concessionaire. (Cash was not received.)


1. Journalize the transactions, starting on page 1 of the general journal.

2. Post the transactions to the ledger accounts.

3. Prepare a trial balance in the first two columns of the work sheet.

Check Figure

Trial balance total, $601,941


Expert Solution

General journal for the month ending July 31
Date Account Title Debit Credit
July.1 Cash 1350000
L.Judar, Capital 135000
July.2 Pool Furniture 3800
Pool/Slide facility 148800
Building 96200
Land 292000
Cash 120000
Mortgage Payable 420800
July.2 Prepaid Insurance 12240
Cash 12240
July.3 Pool Furniture 1225
Cash 500
Accounts Payable 725
July.3 Cash 250
Concessional income 250
July.5 Advertising Expense 1320
Accounts Payable 1320
July.6 Pool Maintenance Expense 1600
Cash 1600
July.6 Miscellaneous Expense 128
Cash 128
July.7 Cash 12086
Income from services 12086
July.9 Pool Maintenance Expense 646
Accounts Payable 646
July.14 Cash 10445
Income from services 10445
July.15 Wages Expense 9460
Cash 9460
July.16 Accounts Payable 1150
Cash 1150
July.16 L.Judar, Drawings 2500
Cash 2500
July.17 Pool Furniture 2100
Accounts Payable 2100
July.18 Miscellaneous Expense 328
Cash 328
July.21 Cash 10330
Income from services 10330
July.21 Accounts Payable 600
Cash 600
July.23 Accounts Payable 225
Pool Furniture 225
July.25 Utilities Expense 292
Cash 292
July.29 Wages Expense 8227
Cash 8227
July.31 Cash 11870
Income from services 11870
July.31 Accounts Payable 360
Cash 360
July.31 Utilities Expense 684
Cash 684
July.31 Mortgage Payable 1910
Interest Expense 1980
Cash 3890
July.31 Utilities Expense 942
Cash 942
July.31 Pool Furniture 480
Cash 100
Accounts Payable 380
July.31 L.Judar, Drawings 3200
Cash 3200
July.31 AccountsReceivable 234
Concessional income 234
Cash Accounts Receivable
Balance Balance
Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit
July.1 135000 135000 July.31 234 234
July.2 120000 15000 234
July.2 12240 2760 234
July.2 500 2260 234
July.3 250 2510
July.6 1600 910 Prepaid Insurance
July.6 128 782 Balance
July.7 12086 12868 Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit
July.14 10445 23313 July.2 12240 12240
July.15 9460 13853 12240
July.16 1150 12703
July.16 2500 10203 Building
July.18 328 9875 Balance
July.21 10330 20205 Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit
July.21 600 19605 July.2 96200 96200
July.25 292 19313 96200
July.29 8227 11086
July.31 11870 22956
July.31 360 22596
July.31 684 21912
July.31 3890 18022
July.31 942 17080 Land
July.31 100 16980 Balance
July.31 3200 13780 Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit
July.31 13780 July.2 292000 292000
Pool / Slide Facility
Accumulated Depreciation - Building Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit
Balance July.2 148800 148800
Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit 148800
0 148800
0 148800
Acumulated Depreciation - Pool / Slide Facility Pool furniture
Balance Balance
Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit
0 July.2 3800 3800
0 July.2 1225 5025
0 July.17 2100 7125
0 July.23 225 6900
July.31 480 7380
Acumulated Depreciation - Pool Furniture Accounts Payable
Balance Balance
Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit
0 July.2 725 725
0 July.5 1320 2045
0 July.9 646 2691
0 July.16 1150 1541
July.17 2100 3641
July.21 600 3041
July.23 225 2816
July.31 360 2456
Wages Payable July.31 380 2836
Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit Mortgage Payable
0 Balance
0 Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit
0 July.2 420800 420800
0 July.31 1910 418890
L.Judar, Capital L.Judar, Drawings
Balance Balance
Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit
July.1 135000 135000 July.16 2500 2500
135000 July.31 3200 5700
135000 5700
135000 5700
Income Summary Income from services
Balance Balance
Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit
0 July.7 12086 12086
0 July.14 10445 22531
0 July.21 10330 32861
0 July.31 11870 44731
Concession income Pool Maintennce Expense
Balance Balance
Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit
July.3 250 250 July.6 1600 1600
July.31 234 484 July.7 646 2246
484 2246
484 2246
Wages Expense Advertising Expense
Balance Balance
Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit
July.15 9460 9460 July.5 1320 1320
July.29 8227 17687 1320
17687 1320
17687 1320
Utilities Expense Interest Expense
Balance Balance
Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit
July.25 292 292 July.31 1980 1980
July.31 684 976 1980
July.31 942 1918 1980
1918 1980
Insurance Expense Depreciation Expense - Building
Balance Balance
Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Depreciation Expense - Pool/Slide Facility Depreciation Expense - Pool furniture
Balance Balance
Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Miscellaneous Expense
Date Debit Creidt Debit Credit
July.6 128 128
July.18 328 456
Unadjusted Trial Balance as at July 31
Account Title Debit credit
Cash 13780
Accounts Receivable 234
Prepaid Insurance 12240
Land 292000
Building 96200
Acc.Depr. - Building
Pool/Slide Facility 148800
Acc.Depr. - Pool/Slide facility
Pool Furniture 7380
Acc. Dep - Pool Furniture
Accounts Payable 2836
Wages Payable
Mortgage Payable 418890
L.Judar, Capital 135000
L.Judar, Drawings 5700
Income from services 44731
Concessional income 484
Pool Maintenance Expense 2246
Wages Expense 17687
Advertising Expense 1320
Utilitiies Expense 1918
Interest Expense 1980
Miscellaneous Expense 456
Total 601941 601941

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