In: Anatomy and Physiology
Once in the right little finger, the nutrients enter the cell. Due to cellular respiration (breakdown of fuel for energy), the metabolites of water and carbon dioxide are produced. The carbon dioxide will be exhaled, while the water will be excreted as urine.
List the pathways for
A. Nutrient is Initially absorbed from Digestive tract ,then it enter the systemic circulation through the liver , and reaches the heart ,then it reaches the lungs via Pulmonary arteries ,from lungs the nutrient and oxygen rich blood enter the heart through the pulmonary vein and enter the left atrium , later pumped to left ventricle from where it pumped into the aorta of heart, then it reach the left subclavian artery ,then axillary artery and then brachial artery giving branch to ulnar artery , ulnar artery form the superficial palmar arch which give branch to the left little finger and supply the nutrient to the little finger.
We can write the pathway as follows:
Digestice tract →Liver→Heart→Lungs→Heart→Aorta→Left Subclavin artery→left Axillary artery→Brachial artery→Ulnar artery→Superficial Palmar arch →left little finger.
B.Carbon dioxide is taken by Superficial Palmar veins →Cephalic and basilic veins →Brachial Vein→Axillary vein→left Subclavian vein→Superior vena cava →Right atrium →Right Ventricle →Lungs→ Co2 exhalation into atmosphere.
C.Water from the left little finger is taken to Kidney as follows:
Superficial Palmar veins →Cephalic and basilic veins →Brachial Vein→Axillary vein→left Subclavian vein→Superior vena cava →Right atrium →Right Ventricle →Lungs→Left Atrium →Left ventricle→Aorta→Arch of Aorta→Descending aorta→Abdominal Aorta→Renal artery→Glomerular capsule→Filtrate is absorbed here→Collecting tubule→Collecting duct→Renal papilla→Minor Calyx→Major Calyx→Renal pelvis→Ureters→Urinary bladder→Urethra→Excretion as Urine