
In: Operations Management

Project 3 – Project - Situational Analysis Managers must develop and implement strategies to ensure that...

Project 3 – Project - Situational Analysis

Managers must develop and implement strategies to ensure that difficulties in workplace relationships are promptly identified and constructively resolved. While people know problem-solving skills, they are critical to their daily work, many people do not know how to resolve work difficulties effectively and avoid dealing with them.

Conflict should be dealt with sensitively and quickly. However, you should suppress any tendency to use your authority to make a unilateral decisions too quickly or to interfere in a situation that should be resolved between the individuals. Follow the problem-solving steps outlined in your Learner Guide to investigate the issue, determine whether or not you should take action and define your options for rectifying the situation.

Problems may arise when team members act individually and without regard for one another. The team leader will need to act quickly and carefully to remedy the situation through counselling, discussion and coaching.

You have a team of 5 people, of which 2 have a personality clash. You thought it would ‘blow over’ however it is now interfering with the rest of the team’s productivity. Outline how you will approach the matter considering the following 3 dot points.

Effective conflict resolution and addressing difficulties can be managed by:

• identifying and resolving conflicts and other difficulties according to organisational policies and procedures

• planning how to address difficulties

• providing guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties


Expert Solution

Effective conflict resolution and addressing issues and difficulties around it, can be managed by:

· Identifying and resolving conflicts and other difficulties according to organizational policies and procedures: A conflict generally can be of 2 type – positive and negative conflict. Positive conflict happens when team members are probing to find the best way possible for a project. Positive conflict facilitates innovation and creativity in the team. Negative conflict can be quite destructive in nature. It primarily happens when there is ego and personal clashes in team members. Negative conflict needs to be addressed on priority, otherwise it has potential of adversely impacting team’s progress.

I would assess the conflict in my team. If it is a positive conflict, I will let the team members handle it. However if the conflict is negative, then I would conduct a one to one session with the involved team members and would try understanding the root cause behind the conflict. Based on the same, I would adopt the conflict resolution technique, mostly collaboration, to solve the same.

· Planning how to address difficulties around conflicts : I would involve all team members and would encourage them to share their perspectives about the difficulties. The involvement of overall team facilitates the management of any kind of difficult situation quite comprehensively.

· Providing guidance and counselling to co-workers in resolving work difficulties: I would encourage all team members to maintain transparency in team. Effective communication among team members will help in solving half of the difficulties. If the members sit and contemplate on the difficulties, then solving the same is quite easy.

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