Use D flip-flops and gates to design a binary counter with each
of the following repeated binary sequences: (a) 1, 5, 7 (b) 0, 2,
4, 6
(a) Draw the logic diagram (b) Construct Verilog RTL
representation for the logics with verification.
I want to make 5 sec counter from 1000Hz input frequency using D
or JK flip-flops. Anyone can help me with logic circuits and
excitation table. Also, 5-bit parallel load register with
Design a counter that uses only 3 D flip-flops and as many logic
gates as needed. The counter follows a sequence: 0, 5, 25, 15, 9,
6, 12, 3, 0, 5, 25, 15, 9, 6, 12, 3, …. Show all design details,
i.e., block diagram, equations, and circuit diagram.
Design a counter using JK Flip Flops and Gates, that counts
3,1,4,2,9,2,2,4 using a Moore Machine. Show Moore machine state
diagram, state table and cirucit.
Design a Count-up Counter in Aiken code with following flip
flops: a) D-FF (Active edge is high to low) b) SR-FF (Active edge
is high to low) c) Use of output of circuit in part (b) and minimum
number of logic gates for getting the Countdown counter in Aiken
Design a 5-bit binary counter using JK flip flops.
Draw the flip-flop circuit diagram, the state graph, the timing
diagram, the truth table (with clk pulse) and the state table (with
present and next states).