
In: Electrical Engineering

Design a synchronous counter of four-bit using D flip‐flops and gates (AND, OR etc.) *use verilog...

Design a synchronous counter of four-bit using D flip‐flops and gates (AND, OR etc.)

*use verilog language modules and test and explain briefly


Expert Solution

the following contains Verilog code:

truth table:

Verilog code:

module d_ff(d,q,qbar,clk);// the main element d_ff
  input d,clk;
  output reg q=1;
  output qbar;
  assign qbar=~q;
  always@(posedge clk)

module d_ff(d,q,qbar,clk);
input d,clk;
output reg q;
output qbar;
assign qbar=~q;
always@(posedge clk)

module up_counter(q_out,clk);
input clk;
output reg [3:0] q_out;
wire w1,w2,w3,w4;
d_ff d11(~q_out[0],q_out[0],w1,clk);// instanciating the d_Ff made above in order to make the above diagram
d_ff d22((q_out[1]^q_out[0]),q_out[1],w2,clk);
d_ff d33((q_out[2]&~(q_out[0])+q_out[2]&~(q_out[1])+~(q_out[2])&q_out[1]&q_out[0]),q_out[2],w3,clk);
d_ff d44((q_out[3]&~(q_out[2])+q_out[3]&~(q_out[0])+q_out[3]&(~q_out[1])+~(q_out[3])&q_out[2]&q_out[1]&q_out[0]),q_out[3],w4,clk);


// Code your testbench here
// or browse Examples
module test();
reg clk;
wire [3:0] q_out;
up_counter u1(q_out,clk);
#100 $finish;
#2 clk=~clk;// clock generator
$dumpfile("dump.vcd");// creating varible dump file for waveform viewing



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