
In: Anatomy and Physiology

. Currently, most of Homer’s body cells are using glucose to make ATP.    His adipose...

. Currently, most of Homer’s body cells are using glucose to make ATP.    His adipose cells are taking in fatty acids and storing them as triglycerides. He probably had a doughnut ______, and his liver cells are probably _______ glycogen.

  Recently; synthesizing

   Many hours ago; synthesizing

   Many hours ago; breaking down

   Recently; breaking down

2. Which of the following is FALSE regarding calcium:

a. calcium is required for proper blood clotting

b. the parathyroid glands monitor blood calcium

c. calcitonin causes calcium to be deposited in bone in adults but not children

d. calcitriol is required for proper absorption of dietary calcium

e .calcium is part of some second-messenger systems

3 Connie visits her doctor after she stumbles on her stairway and incurs a bone fracture. Her physician conducts a bone density test and determines that her bones are very thin for her age. He then takes a blood sample and finds that she has extremely elevated levels of Ca2+ in her blood. Which structure in her body is he most likely to suspect a problem with?

a The thyroid gland

b. The kidneys

c. The parathyroid glands

d The adenohypophys

4. Which of the following is NOT a peptide hormone?





5 Which of the following would diffuse across the membrane of its target cell?



   Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

   Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone



Expert Solution


Answer 1. Option C; Recently; Breaking down

Explanation: Per the question, the body is currently active in utilizing glucose which means the concentration glucose is getting lowered. Hence to maintain the blood glucose concentration; the glycogen which got stored in the liver should break down to release glucose molecules.

Further, it is also mentioned that the adipose tissues of the body are engaged with the accumulation of fatty acids and storing them as triglycerides. Which means the person must have had food very recently due to which the blood concentration has enough of fats and glucose moieties

Answer 2. Option C; Calcitonin causes calcium to be deposited in bone in adults but not in children

Explanation: calcitonin is the hormone which gets released by the parafoliicular/C cells of the thyroid gland. The hormone is known to mediate its action mainly in adults and not in children.

The hormone is responsible for opposing the action of parathyroid hormone by increasing the bone density in terms of depositing the calcium ions in them.

Answer 3. Option C; Parathyroid gland

Explanation: Parathyroid glands are the ones which releases the hormone; parathormone also called as the Collip’s hormone. The hormone is known to mediate its action by increasing the levels of calcium ions in the blood stream. Due to excess withdrawal of the calcium ions in the blood stream, the bones become very thin and weak and they thus are more prone for fractures.

Thus in this way also oppose the function of the hormone Calcitonin released from the Thyroid gland

Answer 4. Option D; Progesterone

Explanation: Progesterone is a hormone which plays an important role in maintaining the female reproductive events like maintaining the menstrual cycle, and or maintaining the pregnancy.

The hormone is a steroid hormone that is it is a derivative of cholesterol and it gets synthesized from the precursor hormone; Testosterone.

The remaining hormones; Glucagon, Insulin, and Erythropoietin are peptide derivatives.


Glucagon: helps in the conversion of glycogen to glucose. It gets released from the alpha cells of Islets of Langerhans of Pancreas

Insulin: helps in the conversion of free and excess glucose to glycogen. It gets released from the beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans of Pancreas

Erythropoietin: the hormone is a low molecular weight glycoprotein and it gets released by the kidneys.

Answer 5. Option D; Triiodothyronine (T3)

Explanation: The thyroid gland under the influence of the hormone TSH releases a hormone; Thriiodothyronine which then gets changed to tetraiodothyronine (T4)

It is important to be noted that the receptor of the triiodothyronine are located in the nucleus; which means the hormones gets an easy entry in to the cell through their plasma membrane as the plasma membrane is made of lipids and proteins and the hormones are also lipid soluble. Thus they easily get diffused inside the cell and likewise modify the DNA of the nucleus of the cell

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