
In: Biology

Cells can signal to each other in various ways. A signal that must be relayed to the entire body is most efficiently sent by ___________ cells

Cells can signal to each other in various ways. A signal that must be relayed to the entire body is most efficiently sent by ___________ cells, which produce hormones that are carried throughout the body through the bloodstream. On the other hand, ___________ methods of cell signaling do not require the release of a secreted molecule and are used for very localized signaling events. During ____________ signaling, the signal remains in the neighborhood of the secreting cell and thus acts as a local mediator on nearby cells. Finally, ____________ signaling involves the conversion of electrical impulses into a chemical signal. Cells receive signals through a _______________, which can be an integral membrane protein or can reside inside the cell.

Word Bank

amplification                         G protein                           phosphorylation
contact-dependent                K+ channel                       receptor
endocrine                              neuronal                           target
epithelial                               paracrine


Expert Solution

  1. Endocrine (these are the glands which secret hormones.)
  2. Contact dependent (here cell cell contact is required to pass on information. )
  3. Paracrine ( here signal is weak and only works in neighbouring cells)
  4. Neuronal( nerve cells transmit information by action potential and synapse).
  5. Receptor( it is like receiver of information, may present on membrane like G protein receptor or may be inside the cell like receptor for testosterone).

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