In: Biology
84.The formation of glucose 6-phosphate renders the entry of glucose into most cells almost irreversible (i.e. staying intracellular).True/False?
83.Glucagon targets primarily on liver to increase glycogen degradation.True/False?
82.The increase of glycogenolysis in muscle produced by epinephrine may be attributed to the conversion of phosphorylase b to phosphorylase a.True/False?
81.Measurement of blood ammonia level is a sensitive test of kidney function.True/False?
80.During starvation when gluconeogenesis increases to maintain the levels of blood glucose, the metabolism of glutamate to glucose-6-phosphate is enhanced.True/False?
79.AMP is synthesized in a two-step reaction sequence involving inosinic acid, ATP and glutamine. True/False?
Ans 84-) The statement is True
Glucose is phosphorylated in order to prevent the diffusion and by
the phosphorylation process, phosphate group which is generally
charged is added so that G-6-P cannot cross the membrane
Ans 83-) The statement is True
Function of Glucagon is to maintain the level of blood glucose in
the body.
Thus, glucagon will triger the process of glycogenolysis which is
the conversion of glycogen which is stored in the liver into the
Ans 82-) The statement is True
As phosphorylase b which is inactive gets converted to
phosphorylase a
Ans 81-) The statement is True
Measurement of higher level of ammonia in the blood and the ammonia
level rises due to failure of kidney or diseases caused by the
Ans 80-) The statement is True
As during the starvation, the amino acid is utilised.
Ans 79-) The statement is False
Glutamine is not used in two step reaction of AMP synthesis.
stay safe?Also,if you have any doubt feel free to ask in comments.