
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Give an example of a character studied by Gregor Mendel, and the two traits within that...

  1. Give an example of a character studied by Gregor Mendel, and the two traits within that character.
  2. Use Punnet squares to predict the phenotype and genotype ratios of each of the following crosses:
    1. A true-breeding homozygous
      tall pea plant is crossed with a
      true-breeding homozygous
      short pea plant.
    1. Two of the offspring from
      the previous cross are bred.
  1. In the previous question, which was the P generation? The F1 generation? The F2 generation?
  1. What pattern of inheritance is shown by human blood types?


Expert Solution

Let us assume the gene controlling the Height as T gene and the alleles of the gene as T and t

So, genotype of the true breeding homozygous Tall pea plant will be TT

genotype of the true breeding homozygous short pea plant will be tt

TT and tt are the parental (p) generation)

F1 generation is obtained when the parental generation are crossed

TT   X    tt

Gamete from the TT will be T

Gamete from the tt will be t

so punnet square of F1 generation will

t t
T Tt Tt
T Tt Tt

genotype ratio is 1 ,all the offsprings will be Tt

phenotypically they will be Tall pea plant(due to the dominance of tall allele over short allele)

F2 generation is obtained when the F1 is crossed together, that is

Tt     X      Tt

Gamete will T and t

Ff2 generation punnet square

T t
t Tt tt

Genotype ratio will be TT :Tt: tt   ----------->    1:2:1

phenotyep ratio tall : small -----------> 3: 1


That is in ABO blood grouping ,When the Alelle of the A gene and allele of B group come together , Both the gene get dominated and the blood group will AB group.

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