
In: Operations Management

You have to decide on a product/service you would like to provide. State it at the...

You have to decide on a product/service you would like to provide. State it at the beginning of your essay. Go through the Appreciative Inquiry process and write up mission, vision, and values statement for this new company.

Imagine you are a strategic leader who has to develop a mission, vision, and values statement of a NEW (imaginary) company. You will have to decide on a product or service that this new company would like to offer and clearly state it in your essay.

The three statements for the company must be new and original, and NOT a copy

The paper should be between 2-3 pages, organized and referenced in accordance with APA format.


Expert Solution

Marula Oil

I have thought about a company that creates products with Marula Oil, this is the company that I will create a mission statement for. My fictitious company will be named Miraculous Marula. Why use Marula oil? Marula Oil moisturizes hair and skin, and has a higher antioxidant level than similar oils such as argan. Moreover, Marula oil is rich in Omega 6 and 9 and has remarkable moisturizing properties for the skin ("Marula Oil," n.d.). Furthermore, this skin benefiting oil also is anti-bacterial to promote healing and is also non-comedogenic, so it is beneficial to even acne prone skin. Additionally, Marula oil can be sustainably produced and can further provide an income to people in Africa that harvest the seeds. It grows wild in Africa and it is a protected tree in the southern regions.


Forbes gives the following advice for creating a mission statement, it says to answer the four questions below

● “What do we do?
● How do we do it?
● Whom do we do it for?
● What value are we bringing?”

Appreciative Inquiry

Appreciative Inquiry Is a way of seeing the world and also facilitating positive change in yourself and the environment. “The five original principles are: Constructionist, Simultaneity, Anticipatory, Poetic, and Positive.

Therefore, with all of this in mind, I will craft these vision, mission and values statement for Miraculous Marula. For my vision for the company, I want the business to become an industry leader, to do no harm to the environment, and to provide products that improve the skin and hair of all users.

Marvelous Marula’s vision statement: “Leading the way in sustainable Marula products, leaving a path of glowing skin and shiny hair everywhere. Affordably priced.“

Mission statement.

Going back to Forbes advice

What do we do? We provide Marula hair products. How do we do it? We sustainably source our marula oil. Whom do we do it for? For everyone with dry hair and skin. What value are we bringing? We make our products affordably priced so that more individuals can enjoy glowing skin and hair.

Miraculous Marula-striving to be an industry leader, providing quality marula oil based personal care products, responsibly sourced, for customers to look and feel their best, at affordable prices.

Values statement:

I envision Miraculous Marula as a place where teams support one another and everyone treats others with respect and tolerance. Moreover, customers are our number one priority, happy customers are repeat customers and repeat customers sustain the company. Additionally, Mother Nature should be treated with respect since she provides the product that sustains our business and provides for our livelihood.

1. Do no harm to the environment, so marula oil is always available, take care of Mother Nature she takes care of you.
2. Provide the best possible customer experience, Happy customers Happy Life
3. Show respect towards others always, Smile and the world smiles back.
4. Help your teammates, Lend a hand get a hand.
5. Be positive shake off the negative.

In conclusion: While I might not ever see the birth of such a company we can always dream and envision, the way we would like a company to function, the values we’d like the company to exude and how we’d like the corporate environment to operate. Through papers such as these and with the knowledge we have gained we do have the skills to create vision and mission statements and company values statement, so fellow student the future is yours, do you have a vision, mission, and values to go with your dream?

*****Please please please LIKE THIS ANSWER, so that I can get a small benefit, Please*****

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