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Limited problem solving is a process where consumers do not search for information because they use simple decision making to decide whether or not to purchase an item.
Extended problem solving is more elaborate with the decision-making process, including more research into reviews and comparisons between products.
Limited and extended are the two problem solving techniques which are used to take decision to buy a product.
Limited problem solving have low risk and low involvement. Little search will be carried out whether to take the product or not. Consumers doesnot show more interest to visit different stores to take the decision. Limited shopping and some times decisions will be taken by seeing the display pictures of the shop.
Extended problem solving have high risk and also high involvement. To buy a product consumers do different reaserch to decide which will give the best results. They may consult different people and stores to take the decision. They use different strategies to pick the best product.
Both the techniques are the best but if the product was small like detergents, soaps and tooth pastes limited problem solving will be enough because it doesnot need more thinking and decision can be taken by the single person on their own. If the products are large and expeensive like telivisions, refrigirators and any electronic gadgets research should be carried out to choose the best item and sometimes different people decision should be taken to pick the best. These techniques mosst be used according to the product.