In: Biology
Look up the structures for vitamins A, D, and E. Compare them to a water-soluble vitamin, such as vitamin C. Given the structures for A, D, and E, why would these vitamins be attracted to lipids? Why does vitamin C prefer a hydrophilic environment? Finally, list one side effect from taking too much vitamin D for too long a period of time.
- There are total 13 essential vitamins that are required for our body.
- These are classified in two different groups such as fat soluble and water soluble vitamins.
- Fat soluble vitamins are- vit. A, D, E, K
- Water soluble vitamins are - vit. C
Comparison of fat soluble vit. with water soluble vit. are as follows
- Fat soluble vitamins are stored in liver and fat tissues in the body.
- These fat soluble vit. are soluble in fats and absorbed by the fat globules and enter in the blood circulation.
- The water soluble vit. are easily dissolved in water and hence they are quickly dissolved in the body.
- These vitamins are not stored in our body instead of that excess vit. pass through body.
- Water soluble vitamins have polar groups hence these are soluble in water i.e a polar solvent, while fat soluble vitamins are having non polar group hence these are soluble in non polar solvents like fatty tissues.
Side effects of taking excess vit. D-
- Taking high dose of vit D3 for longer period of time leads to toxicity.
- Excess of vit. D leads to hypercalcemia i.e increased blood calcium level.
- Also it leads to nausea, stomach pain, constipation, loss of appetite.