In: Civil Engineering
The stability analysis of a dam section is carried out to check
the safety with regard to
1. Rotation and overturning
2. Translation and sliding
3. Overstress and material failure
1.) Stability against overturning
Before a gravity dam can overturn physically, there may be other
types of failures, such
as cracking of the upstream material due to tension, increase in
uplift, crushing of the
toe material and sliding. However, the check against overturning is
made to be sure that
the total stabilizing moments weigh out the de-stabilizing moments.
The factor of safety
against overturning may be taken as 1.5. As such, a gravity dam is
considered safe also
from the point of view of overturning if there is no tension on the
upstream face.
2.) Stability against sliding
Many of the loads on the dam act horizontally, like water pressure,
earthquake forces, etc. These forces have to be resisted by
frictional or shearing forces
along horizontal or nearly-horizontal seams in foundation. The
stability of a dam against
sliding is evaluated by comparing the minimum total available
resistance along the
critical path of sliding (that is, along that plane or combination
of plans which mobilizes
the least resistance to sliding) to the total magnitude of the
forces tending to induce
3.) Failure against overstressing
A dam may fail if any of its part is overstressed and hence the
stresses in any part of
the dam must not exceed the allowable working stress of concrete.
In order to ensure
the safety of a concrete gravity dam against this sort of failure,
the strength of concrete
shall be such that it is more than the stresses anticipated in the
structure by a safe
margin. The maximum compressive stresses occur at heel (mostly
during reservoir
empty condition) or at toe (at reservoir full condition) and on
planes normal to the face
of the dam. The strength of concrete and masonary varies with age,
the kind of cement
and other ingredients and their proportions in the work can be
determined only by
see following fig. for better