In: Psychology
The African Americans are generally poorer than the Whites which makes the parenting role for fathers of this community more challenging due to a restricted budget. The African American fathers are compelled to raise their children with limited household resources as well as the other low standard community resources due to low finances. The children face many behavioral problems and low performance in schools. This is to be dealt with sensitively by the African American fathers. Whereas in case of White fathers who belong to advanced richer communities the neighborhood and the family background provides quite an amicable environment for the child's holistic development. This factor makes the parent-child interaction to be positive in case of the White fathers as compared to African American fathers who demonstrate a negative parenting culture. The family relationship in a White family is much more conducive and cooperative with the show of affection. Whereas the African American fathers who face unemployment, tend to be more stressed out, violent and many times isolated from their family. Due to this factor, the White fathers spend more time with their children in comparison to the African Americans who are busy striving for a financial stability.