
In: Computer Science

CS Using the following UML outline, create the following abstract parent class along with the 4...


Using the following UML outline, create the following abstract parent class along with the
4 subclasses and Driver class. Implement the Classes, listed attributes and methods along with any additional things that you may need.

Add a driver class that utilizes the methods/attributes in the classes to output the following based on the vehicle type (therefore, you must create an instance for all 4 subclasses in your driver):

1. Vehicle Type (i.e., Car, Airplane, etc.)
2. Transportation method (wheels, wings, etc.)
3. Whether your vehicle transports passengers or not.
4. Whether your vehicle is a passenger vehicle or Cargo Vehicle
5. Whether your vehicle travels on land, water or air.

Implement the following UML:


Vehicle Class (Abstract)




+Vehicle(vehicleType:String, passengers:boolean):void
+Abstract travelMethod(vehicleType:String):String
+getPassengers():boolean //returns passengers value

Child Class1:





+travelMethod(vehicleType:String):String //Returns travelMethod based on vehicleType
for instance if helicopter, the travelMethod = Blades/Propellers, if car then
travelMethod = wheels, if airplane then wings, etc.

+isVehicle():void. //Outputs vehicle type, transportation method, whether it is a passenger vehicle or cargo vehicle and whether it rolls with wheels, flies with wings or flies with blades, or travels on water.

Child Class2:





+travelMethod(vehicleType:String):String //Returns travelMethod based on vehicleType
for instance if helicopter, the travelMethod = Blades/Propellers, if car then
travelMethod = wheels, if airplane then wings, etc.

+isVehicle():void. //Outputs vehicle type, transportation method, whether it is a passenger vehicle or cargo vehicle and whether it rolls with wheels, flies with wings or flies with blades, or travels on water.

Child Class3:





+travelMethod(vehicleType:String):String //Returns travelMethod based on vehicleType
for instance if helicopter, the travelMethod = Blades/Propellers, if car then
travelMethod = wheels, if airplane then wings, etc.

+isVehicle():void. //Outputs vehicle type, transportation method, whether it is a passenger vehicle or cargo vehicle and whether it rolls with wheels, flies with wings or flies with blades, or travels on water.

Child Class4:





+travelMethod(vehicleType:String):String //Returns travelMethod based on vehicleType
for instance if helicopter, the travelMethod = Blades/Propellers, if car then
travelMethod = wheels, if airplane then wings, etc.

+isVehicle():void. //Outputs vehicle type, transportation method, whether it is a passenger vehicle or cargo vehicle and whether it rolls with wheels, flies with wings or flies with blades, or travels on water.


1. Parent Class for Vehicle, 4 child classes and 1 Driver class.

2. Screenshots of output

3. Place your name, class, date and assignment in comments at top of each .java file. (Points off for files with no name)


Expert Solution

Code for all 5 classes is given below. Code is explained thoroughly in the code comments.5 Classes are : Vehicle , Car, Helicoptor , Airplane , Boat , Driver . The code runs smoothly. As you have not given the Driver class, i have made it on my own to test the program You can run the program according to your liking by giving different values to vehicles in Driver class objects. I have attached the output screenshot in the last.

If need any further clarification please ask in comments.



Vehicle Class

//Abstract super class Vehicle
abstract class Vehicle
        //private data members
        private String vehicleType;
        private boolean passengers;
        //public constructor
        public Vehicle(String vehicleType, boolean passengers) {
                this.vehicleType = vehicleType;
                this.passengers = passengers;
        //abstract method
        abstract String  travelMethod(String vehicleType);
        //Accessor functions
        public String getVehicleType() {
                return vehicleType;

        public boolean isPassengers() {
                return passengers;

Car class

//child class Car
class Car extends Vehicle
        //private data member
        private String travelMethod;
        public Car(String vehicleType, boolean passengers)
                //Calling super class Constructor
                this.travelMethod="Wheels"; //setting value of travelmethod
        //defining abstract method
        public String travelMethod(String vehicleType)
                return travelMethod;
        //function to display info
        public void isVehicle()
                System.out.println("\nVehicle Type: "+super.getVehicleType());
                if(super.isPassengers()) //if it is passenger vehicle
                        System.out.println("It is a Passenger Vehicle");
                else //if it is cargo
                        System.out.println("It is a Cargo Vehicle");
                System.out.println("Transportation Method: "+travelMethod);
                System.out.println("It rolls with Wheels");

Airplane Class

//child class Airplane
class Airplane extends Vehicle
        private String travelMethod;
        public Airplane(String vehicleType, boolean passengers)
                super(vehicleType,passengers); //calling super class constructor
        //defining abstract method
        public String travelMethod(String vehicleType)
                return travelMethod;
        //function to display info
        public void isVehicle()
                System.out.println("\nVehicle Type: "+super.getVehicleType());
                if(super.isPassengers()) //if passenger vehicle
                        System.out.println("It is a Passenger Vehicle");
                else //if cargo
                        System.out.println("It is a Cargo Vehicle");
                System.out.println("Transportation Method: "+travelMethod);
                System.out.println("It Flies with Wings");

Helicoptor Class

//child class Helicoptor
class Helicoptor extends Vehicle
        private String travelMethod;
        public Helicoptor(String vehicleType, boolean passengers)
                super(vehicleType,passengers); //super class constructor
        public String travelMethod(String vehicleType)
                return travelMethod;
        //function to display info
        public void isVehicle()
                System.out.println("\nVehicle Type: "+super.getVehicleType());
                        System.out.println("It is a Passenger Vehicle");
                else //if cargo
                        System.out.println("It is a Cargo Vehicle");
                System.out.println("Transportation Method: "+travelMethod);
                System.out.println("It flies with Blades");

Boat class

//child class boat
class Boat extends Vehicle
        private String travelMethod;
        public Boat(String vehicleType, boolean passengers)
                super(vehicleType,passengers); //calling super class constructor
                this.travelMethod="Propeller"; //setting value of travelMethod
        //defining abstract method
        public String travelMethod(String vehicleType)
                return travelMethod;
        //function to display info
        public void isVehicle()
                System.out.println("\nVehicle Type: "+super.getVehicleType());
                if(super.isPassengers()) //if passenger vehicle
                        System.out.println("It is a Passenger Vehicle");
                else //if cargo vehicle
                        System.out.println("It is a Cargo Vehicle");
                System.out.println("Transportation Method: "+travelMethod);
                System.out.println("It travels on Water");

Driver Class

 * Class:
 * Date:

//driver class
public class Driver {

        public static void main(String[] args) 
                //creating object of each class
                Car car=new Car("Car", true);
                Helicoptor helicoptor=new Helicoptor("Helicoptor", true);
                Airplane airplane=new Airplane("Airplane", false);
                Boat boat=new Boat("Boat", false);
                //calling isVehicle() method to display info




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