
In: Computer Science

Here I'm using "person" as an abstract superclass or parent class, and "Student" as a derived/child...

Here I'm using "person" as an abstract superclass or parent class, and "Student" as a derived/child class.

// File name: Person.h
// Person is the base, or parent for chapter11
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Person {
   string fName;
   string lName;
   int areaCode;
   int phone;
   Person(string, string);
   void setFirst(string);
   void setLast(string);
   void setPhoneNumber(int, int);
   string getFirstlast();
   string getLastFirst();
   string getPhoneNumber();
// Student is the child, or specialization, for class chapter11
#pragma once
#include "Person.h"
class Student : public Person {
   int idNumber;
   string major;
   static int baseForID;
   Student(string, string);
   void setMajor(string);
   void printStudent();
// File name: Student.cpp
// Student is the child, or specialization, class for chapter11
#include "Student.h"
// initialize the static classs variable to 20200000
// The default constructor initializes all strings to "" (the empty string),
// and sets the id number for the student. The id number for a student is the
// value of the static class variable. Once assigned, the value of the static
// class variable must be incremented by 1

// The parametrized constructor invokes the parent class' methods to assign
// values to first name and last name.The id number for a student is the
// value of the static class variable. Once assigned, the value of the static
// class variable must be incremented by 1
Student::Student(string, string)

// set the value of major to that of the parameter
void Student::setMajor(string)

// prints the student information in the following format
// ID# idnumber lastName, firstName major
void Student::printStudent()
// Person is the base, or parent, class for chapter11
#include "Student.h"
int main() {
   // create a new student object, student1, using the default constructor

   // assign the following values using the methods for the class
   // first name: Pedro last name: Picapiedra phone: 787-555-5555,
   // major: Computer Science

   // print the information for student1

   // create a new student object, student2, using the parametrized constructor
   // use the following values as arguments:
   // firt name: Pablo last name: Marmol

   // assign the following values using the methods for the class
   // phone: 787-787-8787,
   // major: Electrical Engineering

   // print the information for student2

   // create a new student object, student3, using the parametrized constructor
   // use the following values as arguments:
   // firt name: Senor last name: Rajuela

   // assign the following values using the methods for the class
   // phone: 787-755-5000,
   // major: Computer Engineering

   // print the information for student3

   return 0;

// File name: Person.cpp
// Person is the base, or parent, class for chapter11
#include "Person.h"
// The default constructor initializes all strings to "" (the empty string),
// and all integers to 0
// The parametrized constructor initializes all strings to the values in the parameters,
// and all integers to 0
Person::Person(string, string)
// Assigns the value of the parameter to fName; NO COUT's!
void Person::setFirst(string)
// Assigns the value of the parameter to lName; NO COUT's!
void Person::setLast(string)
// Assigns the values of the parameter to areaCode and phone; NO COUT's!
// must verifiy that the area code value has only 3 digits, and the
// phone number has only 7 digits
void Person::setPhoneNumber(int, int)
// returns a string in the format firstName lastName
string Person::getFirstlast()
   return string();
// returns a string in the format lastName, firstName
string Person::getLastFirst()
   return string();

// returns a string with the phone number
// the phone number should be in the following format
// (area code) xxx-xxxx
string Person::getPhoneNumber()
   return string();


Expert Solution



// File name: Person.h

// Person is the base, or parent for chapter11

#pragma once

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Person {


   string fName;

   string lName;

   int areaCode;

   int phone;



   Person(string, string);

   void setFirst(string);

   void setLast(string);

   void setPhoneNumber(int, int);

   string getFirstlast();

   string getLastFirst();

   string getPhoneNumber();



// File name: Person.cpp

// Person is the base, or parent, class for chapter11

#include "Person.h"

// The default constructor initializes all strings to "" (the empty string),

// and all integers to 0



    fName = "";

    lName = "";

    areaCode = 0;

    phone = 0;


// The parametrized constructor initializes all strings to the values in the parameters,

// and all integers to 0

Person::Person(string fname, string lname)


    fName = fname;

    lName = lname;

    areaCode = 0;

    phone = 0;


// Assigns the value of the parameter to fName; NO COUT's!

void Person::setFirst(string s)


    fName = s;


// Assigns the value of the parameter to lName; NO COUT's!

void Person::setLast(string s)


    lName = s;


// Assigns the values of the parameter to areaCode and phone; NO COUT's!

// must verifiy that the area code value has only 3 digits, and the

// phone number has only 7 digits

void Person::setPhoneNumber(int areacode, int phno)


    if(areacode / 1000 != 0)


    if(phno / 10000000 != 0)



    areaCode = areacode;

    phone = phno;


// returns a string in the format firstName lastName

string Person::getFirstlast()


   return string(fName + lName);


// returns a string in the format lastName, firstName

string Person::getLastFirst()


   return string(lName + ", " + fName);


// returns a string with the phone number

// the phone number should be in the following format

// (area code) xxx-xxxx

string Person::getPhoneNumber()


   string str = "(";

   str += to_string(areaCode);

   str += ") ";

   str += to_string(phone/10000);

   str += "-";

   str += to_string(phone%10000);

   return str;



// Student is the child, or specialization, for class chapter11

#pragma once

#include "Person.h"

class Student : public Person {


   int idNumber;

   string major;

   static int baseForID;



   Student(string, string);

   void setMajor(string);

   void printStudent();



// File name: Student.cpp

// Student is the child, or specialization, class for chapter11

#include "Student.h"

// initialize the static classs variable to 20200000

int Student::baseForID = 20200000;

// The default constructor initializes all strings to "" (the empty string),

// and sets the id number for the student. The id number for a student is the

// value of the static class variable. Once assigned, the value of the static

// class variable must be incremented by 1



    major = "";

    idNumber = baseForID;



// The parametrized constructor invokes the parent class' methods to assign

// values to first name and last name.The id number for a student is the

// value of the static class variable. Once assigned, the value of the static

// class variable must be incremented by 1

Student::Student(string fname, string lname) : Person(fname, lname)


    idNumber = baseForID;



// set the value of major to that of the parameter

void Student::setMajor(string s)


    major = s;


// prints the student information in the following format

// ID# idnumber lastName, firstName major

void Student::printStudent()


    cout << "ID# " << idNumber << " " << getLastFirst() << " " << major << endl;



#include "Student.h"

int main() {

   // create a new student object, student1, using the default constructor

   Student student1;

   // assign the following values using the methods for the class

   // first name: Pedro last name: Picapiedra phone: 787-555-5555,

   // major: Computer Science



   student1.setPhoneNumber(787, 5555555);

   student1.setMajor("Computer Science");

   // print the information for student1


   // create a new student object, student2, using the parametrized constructor

   // use the following values as arguments:

   // firt name: Pablo last name: Marmol

   Student student2("Pablo", "Marmol");

   // assign the following values using the methods for the class

   // phone: 787-787-8787,

   // major: Electrical Engineering

   student2.setPhoneNumber(787, 7878787);

   student2.setMajor("Electrical Engineering");

   // print the information for student2


   // create a new student object, student3, using the parametrized constructor

   // use the following values as arguments:

   // firt name: Senor last name: Rajuela

   Student student3("Senor", "Rajuela");

   // assign the following values using the methods for the class

   // phone: 787-755-5000,

   // major: Computer Engineering

   student3.setPhoneNumber(787, 7555000);

   student3.setMajor("Computer Engineering");

   // print the information for student3



   return 0;



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