
In: Computer Science

Re-write all with proper code syntax and conventions Add a while loop that continues to ask...

Re-write all with proper code syntax and conventions

Add a while loop that continues to ask the age until a blank value is entered, or a user presses cancel.

let userage=prompt("enterage");
let userageindays=userage*365;
let userageinmonths=userage*12;
let useragein hours=userageindays*24
get useragein-minutes=userageinhours*60
let userageinseconds=userageinminutes*60;

if userage>=40 {
console.log("You are older than 40";
} else {
console.log("You are younger than 40");

switch (true) {
case (userage<5):
console.log("You are between 0 and 5");
case (userage<10):
console.log("You are between 5 and 10");
case (userage<20):
console.log("You are between 5 and 10");

case (userage<10):
console.log("You are between 5 and 10");
case (userage<20):
console.log("You are between 5 and 10");
case (userage<30):
console.log("You are between 5 and 10");
case (userage<40):
console.log("You are between 5 and 10");
case (userage<50):
console.log("You are between 5 and 10");
case (userage<60):
console.log("You are between 5 and 10");
case (userage<70):
console.log("You are between 5 and 10");
case (userage<80):
console.log("You are between 5 and 10");
case (userage<90):
console.log("You are between 5 and 10");
case (userage<100):
console.log("You are between 5 and 10");
case (userage>=100):
console.log("Wow you are older than 100");

console log(`You are %userageindays months old, %userageinmonths days old, %userageinhours hours old, %userageinminutes minutes old, and %userageinseconds seconds old`);


Expert Solution

Here is code:

while (1) {

let userAge = prompt("Enter Age");

if (userAge === null || userAge.length === 0)


let userAgeInDays = userAge * 365;

let userAgeInMonths = userAge * 12;

let userAgeInHours = userAgeInDays * 24

let userAgeInMinutes = userAgeInHours * 60

let userAgeInSeconds = userAgeInMinutes * 60;

console.log("Enter age is : " + userAge);

if (userAge >= 40) {

console.log("You are older than 40");

} else {

console.log("You are younger than 40");


if (userAge < 5)

console.log("You are between 0 and 4");

else if (userAge < 10)

console.log("You are between 5 and 9");

else if (userAge < 20)

console.log("You are between 10 and 19");

else if (userAge < 30)

console.log("You are between 20 and 29");

else if (userAge < 40)

console.log("You are between 30 and 39");

else if (userAge < 50)

console.log("You are between 40 and 49");

else if (userAge < 60)

console.log("You are between 50 and 59");

else if (userAge < 70)

console.log("You are between 60 and 69");

else if (userAge < 80)

console.log("You are between 70 and 79");

else if (userAge < 90)

console.log("You are between 80 and 89");

else if (userAge < 100)

console.log("You are between 90 and 99");

else if (userAge >= 100)

console.log("Wow you are older than 100");

console.log(`You are ${userAgeInDays} months old, ${userAgeInMonths} days old, ${userAgeInHours} hours old, ${userAgeInMinutes} minutes old, and ${userAgeInSeconds} seconds old`);



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