
In: Computer Science

In Java, create an abstract vehicle class. Create a Truck Class that Inherits from Vehicle Class....

In Java, create an abstract vehicle class. Create a Truck Class that Inherits from Vehicle Class. The vehicle class should contain at least 2 variables that could pertain to ANY vehicle and two methods. The truck class should contain 2 variables that only apply to trucks and one method. Create a console program that will instantiate a truck with provided member information then call one method from the truck and one method contained from the inherited vehicle class. Have these methods print something to the console.


Expert Solution


abstract class Vehicle //abstract class
   String name;
   String brand;
   public abstract String getName(); //abstract method to get name of vehicle
   public abstract String getBrand(); //abstract method to get brand of vehicle

class Truck extends Vehicle //truck class is inherited from abstract vehicle class using extends keyword
   int capacity; //capacity of truck
   int noAxels; //number of wheels of truck
   public Truck(int capacity,int noAxels,String name,String brand) //parameterized constructoe to initialise variables
       this.noAxels=noAxels;; // super keyword is used to access parent class methods and variables
       super.brand=brand; //setting brand value
   public String getName() // to get name of the truck
   public String getBrand() //to get brand of truck
       return this.brand;

// to get the information of truck
   public String toString() {
       String str="Truck "+getName()+" has "+this.noAxels+" Axels with capacity "+this.capacity;
return str;
   public static void main(String args[]){
       Vehicle v=new Truck(10,4,"ABC","XYZ"); // truck class is instantiated by using vehicle class
       System.out.println("Truck name: "+v.getName()); //print name of truck
       System.out.println("Truck BRand: "+v.getBrand()); //print bran of truck
       System.out.println(v.toString()); //print truck information


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