
In: Computer Science

******You do not need to get everything working exactly as it says, I mostly just need...

******You do not need to get everything working exactly as it says, I mostly just need an outline of how to create this GUI and add up the costs and print them all out. Any help at all will be greatly appreciated*******

Design and implement a Java program that creates a GUI that will allow a customer to order pizza and other items from a Pizza Paarlor.  The customer should be able to order a variety of items which are listed below. The GUI should allow the customer (via JavaFX UI Controls - text areas, buttons, checkbox, radio button, etc.) to input the following information:

  • Customer Contact Info (Use text fields to input these from user)
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Phone Number
    • Address
  • Type of food that can be ordered are: (Use dropdown menu to pick)
    • pizza
      • Small
      • Large
    • calzone
    • garlic knots
  • Quantity of each food item being ordered (Use text field that only accepts numbers to type in a number between 1 and 50 )
    • Pizza toppings (Use dropdown to pick)
      • Plain
      • Extra cheese
      • Mushrooms
      • Pepperoni

    Pricing (assign these prices to each item)

    Base Price for items :

  • Small Plain Pie –  $11.25
  • Large Plain Pie –  $14.00
  • Calzone - $7.75
  • Garlic Knots -$3.50
  • Additional fees for Toppings:

  • Small Pie - $2.00 per topping
  • Large Pie - $3.00 per topping


  • The GUI will have two buttons. The first will be used to create a running total of the current order. This button should be clicked every time an item is added to the order to give a current total of the order.
  • The second button will be used to print the following:
    • Customer Contact Info
    • All items and the quantity ordered
    • The grand total for the order


Expert Solution

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;

public class MyPanel extends JPanel {
    private JLabel Pizza Parlor;
    private JLabel FirstName;
    private JTextField jcomp3;
    private JLabel LastName;
    private JTextField jcomp5;
    private JLabel Phone;
    private JTextField jcomp7;
    private JLabel jcomp8;
    private JTextField jcomp9;
    private JLabel jcomp10;
    private JLabel jcomp11;
    private JTextField jcomp12;
    private JComboBox Types;
    private JLabel Pizza Toppings;
    private JComboBox jcomp15;
    private JButton Total Sum;
    private JButton jcomp17;

    public MyPanel() {
        //construct preComponents
        String[] TypesItems = {"Small", "Large", "calzone", "garlic knots"};
        String[] jcomp15Items = {"Plain", "Extra cheese", "Mushrooms", "Pepperoni"};

        //construct components
        Pizza Parlor = new JLabel ("Pizza Parlor");
        FirstName = new JLabel ("First Name");
        jcomp3 = new JTextField (5);
        LastName = new JLabel ("Last Name");
        jcomp5 = new JTextField (5);
        Phone = new JLabel ("Phone No.");
        jcomp7 = new JTextField (5);
        jcomp8 = new JLabel ("Address");
        jcomp9 = new JTextField (5);
        jcomp10 = new JLabel ("Type of Pizza");
        jcomp11 = new JLabel ("Quantity");
        jcomp12 = new JTextField (5);
        Types = new JComboBox (TypesItems);
        Pizza Toppings = new JLabel ("Pizza Toppings");
        jcomp15 = new JComboBox (jcomp15Items);
        Total Sum = new JButton ("Total Sum");
        jcomp17 = new JButton ("Submit Info");

        //set components properties
        Pizza Parlor.setToolTipText ("Pizza Parlor");
        Types.setToolTipText ("Types of Pizza");

        //adjust size and set layout
        setPreferredSize (new Dimension (667, 393));
        setLayout (null);

        //add components
        add (Pizza Parlor);
        add (FirstName);
        add (jcomp3);
        add (LastName);
        add (jcomp5);
        add (Phone);
        add (jcomp7);
        add (jcomp8);
        add (jcomp9);
        add (jcomp10);
        add (jcomp11);
        add (jcomp12);
        add (Types);
        add (Pizza Toppings);
        add (jcomp15);
        add (Total Sum);
        add (jcomp17);

        //set component bounds (only needed by Absolute Positioning)
        Pizza Parlor.setBounds (265, 10, 70, 25);
        FirstName.setBounds (5, 70, 100, 25);
        jcomp3.setBounds (80, 75, 100, 20);
        LastName.setBounds (5, 120, 100, 25);
        jcomp5.setBounds (80, 120, 100, 20);
        Phone.setBounds (5, 160, 100, 25);
        jcomp7.setBounds (80, 160, 100, 20);
        jcomp8.setBounds (5, 200, 70, 25);
        jcomp9.setBounds (80, 205, 105, 60);
        jcomp10.setBounds (290, 70, 100, 25);
        jcomp11.setBounds (295, 110, 100, 25);
        jcomp12.setBounds (410, 115, 100, 25);
        Types.setBounds (410, 75, 100, 25);
        Pizza Toppings.setBounds (295, 155, 100, 25);
        jcomp15.setBounds (410, 155, 100, 25);
        Total Sum.setBounds (360, 220, 100, 25);
        jcomp17.setBounds (45, 315, 100, 25);

    public static void main (String[] args) {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame ("MyPanel");
        frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
        frame.getContentPane().add (new MyPanel());
        frame.setVisible (true);

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