Why is it important to monitor and assess changes in the external
environment ? What approaches and frameworks might organisations
use to do this ?
2. For ONE of the following environments, identify two key
changes taking place and explain how these changes might impact on
both large and small businesses? Choose one of
• the demographic environment
• the political environment
• the digital environment as the subject of your answer
# I want it in reference please.
Foreign Venue and External Environment
A company needs to assess several internal and external
environmental elements before it can decide whether to expand into
foreign markets.
What is the most important external environmental
element a company must consider when planning to enter a foreign
Internal control is important to an organization. Why do you
think external auditors need to understand their client's internal
control over financial reporting?
Briefly describe the three elements of the portfolio management
process. Why is it important that one follow this process? Explain.
b) Compare and contrast Defined Benefit and Defined
Contribution Pension plans. Why is there a decline in number of
firms offering DB plans as a benefit to their employees? Why is it
difficult to have a clear investment policy for a labor union
sponsored DB plan? Explain.
c) Briefly describe the three psychological traps when making
market forecast as...
Describe why you think it is important for external stakeholders
to be able to have access to a company’s financial statements.
Consider who “external stakeholders” may be and provide some
examples. Why is an adequate environment and system of internal
control important for an organization in order to produce reliable
financial statements? Find an example of an organization that does
not have strong internal control. (You can search to find examples
or use personal experience, or both.) Describe what you...
IQuestion4 : It really important that each organiztion understand
its environment and understand what factors can effects this
environment . your organization asked you to find out any 5
political and legal factor of external macro - environment of your
company . your answer should be between 100-150 words .
Define marketing and describe why it is important for healthcare
managers to understand the key components of the marketing concept?
A few years ago, the idea of marketing in many healthcare
organizations was almost unthinkable. Discuss why healthcare
organizations, of the past, were slow to integrate marketing
principles and practices. Today, healthcare marketing is a
pervasive reality. How have things changed and why?
Please cite TWO sources included in the answer, thanks.