
In: Statistics and Probability

In​ soccer, serious fouls result in a penalty kick with one kicker and one defending goalkeeper....

In​ soccer, serious fouls result in a penalty kick with one kicker and one defending goalkeeper. The accompanying table summarizes results from 305 kicks during games among top teams. In the​ table, jump direction indicates which way the goalkeeper​ jumped, where the kick direction is from the perspective of the goalkeeper. Use a 0.05 significance level to test the claim that the direction of the kick is independent of the direction of the goalkeeper jump. Do the results support the theory that because the kicks are so​ fast, goalkeepers have no time to​ react, so the directions of their jumps are independent of the directions of the​ kicks?

_ Jump_Left Jump_Center   Jump_Right
Kick_Left   52 1 39
Kick_Center   44    15    34
Kick_Right   48 10    62

Determine the null and alternative hypothesis , chi square test statistic , p value, critical values, conclusion, reject or fail to reject


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In​ soccer, serious fouls result in a penalty kick with one kicker and one defending goalkeeper....
In​ soccer, serious fouls result in a penalty kick with one kicker and one defending goalkeeper. The accompanying table summarizes results from 297 kicks during games among top teams. In the​ table, jump direction indicates which way the goalkeeper​ jumped, where the kick direction is from the perspective of the goalkeeper. Use a 0.01 significance level to test the claim that the direction of the kick is independent of the direction of the goalkeeper jump. Do the results support the...
In​ soccer, serious fouls result in a penalty kick with one kicker and one defending goalkeeper....
In​ soccer, serious fouls result in a penalty kick with one kicker and one defending goalkeeper. The accompanying table summarizes results from 295 kicks during games among top teams. In the​ table, jump direction indicates which way the goalkeeper​ jumped, where the kick direction is from the perspective of the goalkeeper. Use a 0.01 significance level to test the claim that the direction of the kick is independent of the direction of the goalkeeper jump. Do the results support the...