
In: Physics

In Example 2.6, we considered a simple model for a rocket launched from the surface of...

In Example 2.6, we considered a simple model for a rocket launched from the surface of the Earth. A better expression for a rocket's position measured from the center of the Earth is given by y(t) = RE3/2 + 3 g 2 REt 2/3 where RE is the radius of the Earth (6.38 ✕ 106 m) and g is the constant acceleration of an object in free fall near the Earth's surface (9.81 m/s2). (a) Derive expressions for vy(t) and ay(t). (Use the following as necessary: g, RE, and t. Do not substitute numerical values; use variables only.) vy(t) = √ g 2 ​2R E ​(R ( 3 2 ​) E ​+3√ g 2 ​R E ​t)(− 1 3 ​) m/s ay(t) = m/s2 (b) Plot y(t), vy(t), and ay(t). (A spreadsheet program would be helpful. Submit a file with a maximum size of 1 MB.) This answer has not been graded yet. (c) When will the rocket be at y = 4RE? Your response differs significantly from the correct answer. Rework your solution from the beginning and check each step carefully. s (d) What are vy and ay when y = 4RE? (Express your answers in vector form.) vy(t) = m/s ay(t) = m/s2


Expert Solution

A better expression for a rocket’s position which measured from the center of Earth is given by -

y (t) = [RE3/2 + 3 (g / 2) RE t]2/3

where, RE = radius of the Earth = 6.38 x 106 m

g = constant acceleration of an object in free fall near the Earth's surface = 9.81 m/s2

(a) Derive an expressions for velocity, vy(t) and acceleration, ay(t) of the rocket.

we know that, velocity of the rocket is given by -

vy (t) = d y(t) / dt

vy (t) = d {RE3/2 + 3 (g / 2) RE t]2/3} / dt

vy (t) = (2/3) [3 RE(g / 2)] / {RE3/2 + 3 (g / 2) RE t}1/3

vy (t) = (RE2g) / {RE3/2 + 3 (g / 2) RE t}1/3

we know that, acceleration of the rocket is given by -

ay (t) = d2 y(t) / dt

ay (t) = d2 {RE3/2 + 3 (g / 2) RE t]2/3} / dt

ay (t) = - (2/9) [9 RE2 (g / 2)] / {RE3/2 + 3 (g / 2) RE t}4/3

ay (t) = - (g RE2) / {RE3/2 + 3 (g / 2) RE t}4/3

(c) When will the rocket be at y = 4 RE?

y = [RE3/2 + 3 (g / 2) RE t]2/3

4 RE = [RE3/2 + 3 (g / 2) RE t]2/3

64 RE3 = RE3/2 + 3 (g / 2) RE t

[3 (g / 2)] t = 7 RE

t = (7 / 3) (2 RE / g)

(d) What are vy and ay when y = 4 RE?

we know that, vy = (RE2g) / {RE3/2 + 3 (g / 2) RE t}1/3

vy = (RE2g) / {RE3/2 + 3 (g / 2) RE [(7 / 3) (2 RE / g)]}1/3

vy = (RE2g) / (8 RE3/2)1/3

vy = g RE / 2

vy = [(9.81 m/s2) (6.38 x 106 m)] / 2

vy = 31293900 m2/s2

vy = 5594.1 m/s

we know that, ay = - (g RE2) / {RE3/2 + 3 (g / 2) RE t}4/3

ay = - (g RE2) / {RE3/2 + 3 (g / 2) RE [(7 / 3) (2 RE / g)]}4/3

ay = - (g RE2) / (8 RE3/2)4/3

ay = - (g RE2) / (16 RE2)

ay = - g / 16 - [(9.81 m/s2) / (16)]

ay = - 0.613 m/s2

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