
In: Psychology

Fair-Minded Qualities Select one quality you feel you possess and describe how you embody this quality....

Fair-Minded Qualities

Select one quality you feel you possess and describe how you embody this quality. ( Courage )

Next, select two qualities you feel you need to improve upon. ( Humility- Being aware of our own faults & Autonomy- Value independence in other people’s thinking)

Using the five step decision making process outlined below, create a plan of action to improve in those areas. Please be sure to outline the specific steps you’ll take to overcome any obstacles you face.

Your completed assignment should be written primarily in first person and should be 500-750 words in length. If you use sources in your writing, be sure to identify them. If you use any direct language from a source, be sure to place those words in quotation marks.

Decision Making Process

Step One: As clearly as possible, define the decision you are faced with.

Step Two: Consider each possible choice you have for resolving the issue.

Step Three: Gather as much relevant information as time allows, and identify the pros and cons of each of the choices you have to solve your issue.

Step Four: Based on your list of pros and cons, choose the best method for resolving the issue.

Step Five: Construct a plan of action to implement your method (be sure to leave yourself enough flexibility to make adjustments as necessary).

Here are a list of the 8 qualities of fair minde:

Intellectual autonomy

Intellectual courage

Intellectual empathy

Intellectual humility

Intellectual integrity

Intellectual perseverance

Intellectual sense of justice

Intellectual confidence in reason



Expert Solution

Intellectual Courage:

I am considered very courageous by my peers and friends .I had used my intellectual courage to my maximum during my college days.Read on to find out as I have listed it step wise.

Step 1:

I had to submit my Research work to my mentor within a short span of time as we followed semester system.I had to choose a topic ,find the relevant questionnaires,statistics to be used .I decided to go ahead and submit my first hypothesis,which I had to remodify.I came up with my final hypothesis after submitting some three or four times more.

Step 2: Life gives you chances for improving,rather than saying why should I? I started working on the same hypothesis and topic with a modification and the third or fourth attempt I finally achieved it.

By doing so I was able to understand and thought that ,I need to learn further in my chosen topic and hypothesis .I was able to be intellectually be aware of being open to my mentor's suggestions and also knowing my faults.Thus using both Intellectual autonomy and intellectual humility.

I chose not to change my topic but to modify it.Using my intellectual courage ,I was able to take risks and also succeed.

I had two choices in front of me.

1)Retain the same topic ,the sample size ,statistical method but modify the hypothesis by including another variable which would be easy for me as I had already done my ground work.

2)Change the topic and variables as suggested by my group mates.

Step 3:

The pros :

  • I don't easily give up.
  • I used my intellectual perseverance to my optimum level.
  • I Chose only to modify the hypothesis by adding another variable.


If I change my topic ,the chances of not getting the correct sample would have hampered my research.My integrity would have been at stake .

Step 4 :

I resolved the issue as I  believe intrinsic motivation brings out the best in a person. Yes I was frustrated at a point where I had to submit my introduction of the research some 7-8 times.The expectation level was high from me from within and I submitted the best only.This kept me motivated.Thus not changing my topic helped me a lot.

Step 5:

My plan of action:I was persistent in my work.I made sure that each and every step of mine was correct.Reffered to a number of studies done by people on the topics that I had chosen.

My hypothesis had these two variables,which were sleep and mindfulness.A number of studies were conducted on sleep but mindfulness ,a topic of positive psychology is gaining prominence now a days.I chose to be mindful while choosing the relevant questionnaires,the sample size ,age group in particular.The statistical method chosen was correlation.The research was conducted on hotel employees .

I am intellectually empathetic, I could understand that passion towards your work will take you to places. People who were part of my study worked for long hours ,some even worked for 10-12 hours ,without a break but still were able to be mindful as they were passionate about their work.


Be a fair minded person always.Life teaches you both,good and bad.It is upon a person's perception, things will either fall in its place or fall apart.Extrinsic motivation is also needed, but for me ,my intrinsic motivation helps a lot even today.I never have regretted about something but have only taken things positively and learnt a lot from them too!I use confidence in reason for any work that I do.

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