
In: Psychology

YOUR OWN original study idea. I want each individual group member to come up with their...

YOUR OWN original study idea. I want each individual group member to come up with their own original study idea. You’ll turn in this original idea with your final assignment.

Original Study Idea

Null hypothesis

Alternative hypothesis



Best test to use

Results Write-Up


Expert Solution

The given idea is an original assignment completed and carried under professional supervision at post-gradaute level. Leave a comment if any other details are required to work further on the presented idea.



NULL HYPOTHESIS: Encoding of stimuli due to mental imagery or visual stimuli presented in symbolic comparison has no effect on the recall scores of participants.

ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHEIS: There will be a difference in the recall scores of participants who encoded stimuli by using mental imagery than by visual stimuli presentation for symbolic comparison.


Encoding of words for symbolic comparison of objects. Independent variable has two levels:

  1. Instructions given to use Mental Imagery (words are shown)
  2. Visual stimuli presentation (pictures are shown)


The number of words recalled and reaction for the two levels of the IV.


Random Groups Design is used as the experimental method with two levels of the IV exposed to different participants. DV is measured on the ratio scale.


  1. Questions were asked before the card was shown.
  2. Exposure time of each card was 3s
  3. Response time given was 5s.
  4. Intentional instructions prior to the experiment to use mental imagery for comparison were given to the participants in the word pair condition.
  5. Daily life objects were used and pairs were unrelated to each other, so as to avoid association of any kind.
  6. All words were typed in black ink and were of the same size. Pictures were also of the same size.
  7. A distracter task for 1minute was given.
  8. Recall instructions were not given at the beginning and given after the distracter task.
  9. Recall time given was 3minutes.
  10. The same list of word pairs were used in the visual image pair condition and 14 trials were exposed to each participant in each condition.
  11. Noise and distractions were kept at minimum.


  • Response sheet ( note: check the list number and card number)
  • Flash Cards
  • Stop-watch
  • Distracter task sheet
  • Blank Recall Sheet
  • Stationary


The appropriate inferential statistical technique will be t-test for Random Groups Design as there is one IV with 2 levels and there are two participants exposed to the different levels of the IV. DV is measured on the ratio scale and we use this to find the difference between the means.

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