**Using Matlab** Make the program for Jacobi iteration method and compare solutions obtaned by two algorithms,...

**Using Matlab**

  • Make the program for Jacobi iteration method and compare solutions obtaned by two algorithms, Jacobi-iteration method and Gaussian elimination.

In: Advanced Math

1. Suppose ?:? → ? and {??}?∈? is an indexed collection of subsets of set ?....

1. Suppose ?:? → ? and {??}?∈? is an indexed collection of subsets of set ?. Prove ?(⋂ ?? ?∈? ) ⊂ ⋂ ?(??) ?∈? with equality if ? is one-to-one.

2. Compute:

a. ⋂ ∞ ?=1 [?,∞)

b. ⋃ ∞ ?=1 [0,2 − 1 /?]

c. lim sup ?→∞ (−1 + (−1)^? /?,1 +(−1)^? /?)
d. lim inf ?→∞(−1 +(−1)^?/ ?,1 +(−1)^? /?)

In: Advanced Math

Determine the truth value of the following statements if the universe of discourse of each variable...

Determine the truth value of the following statements if the universe of discourse of each variable is the set of real numbers.

  1. ∃x(x2=−1)∃x(x2=−1)

  2. ∃x∀y≠0(xy=1)∃x∀y≠0(xy=1)

  3. ∀x∃y(x2=y)∀x∃y(x2=y)

  4. ∃x∃y(x+y≠y+x)∃x∃y(x+y≠y+x)

  5. ∃x∀y(xy=0)∃x∀y(xy=0)

  6. ∀x∃y(x=y2)∀x∃y(x=y2)

  7. ∀x∀y∃z(z=x+y2)∀x∀y∃z(z=x+y2)

  8. ∀x≠0∃y(xy=1)∀x≠0∃y(xy=1)

  9. ∃x(x2=2)∃x(x2=2)

  10. ∀x∃y(x+y=1)∀x∃y(x+y=1)

  11. ∃x∃y((x+2y=2)∧(2x+4y=5))∃x∃y((x+2y=2)∧(2x+4y=5))

  12. ∀x∃y((x+y=2)∧(2x−y=1))

In: Advanced Math

Find the roots of the following equation in [−π, π] 2x 2 − 4 cos(5x) −...

Find the roots of the following equation in [−π, π] 2x 2 − 4 cos(5x) − 4x sin x + 1 = 0 by using the Newton’s method with accuracy 10^(−5) .

how do I solve this using a computer

In: Advanced Math

Find the solution of the initial value problem: y'' + 4y' + 20y = -3sin(2x), y(0)...

Find the solution of the initial value problem:

y'' + 4y' + 20y = -3sin(2x), y(0) = y'(0) = 0

In: Advanced Math

pts) In a round-robin tennis tournament of players, every player plays against every other player exactly...

pts) In a round-robin tennis tournament of players, every player plays against every other
player exactly once and there is no draw. We call a player x a dominator if for every other player y
either x has beaten y directly or x has beaten some player who has beaten y. By using mathematical
induction, prove that for each integer n ≥ 2 at any round-robin tournament of n players, one can
always find a dominator.

In case 3, suppose there is no such z. This means that any player that
x has beaten a also has beaten. Now, why does that mean a is for sure
a dominator among the k+1 players? You will need to supply details rather
than just stating so. Let's think what would it require for a to be a dominator.
This means if I hand you any player y (besides a and x), then you must argue to me
that either a has beaten y or there is a player z such that a beat z and z beat y.
Why must that be true? Remember x is a dominator among the k players other
than a. So what do we know about x versus y? and how does that translate into
a versus y? (remember the observation we made earlier about x and a),

Please think a bit harder. If you would like to revise your solution you can rewrite
a solutiion and e-mail it to me by Monday noon. Please use this opportunity to think

In: Advanced Math

Question 1 A) Show that the functions y1(t) = 1 + t 2 ; y2(t) =...

Question 1

A) Show that the functions y1(t) = 1 + t 2 ; y2(t) = 1 − t 2 are linearly independent directly from the definition of linear independence.

B)Find three functions y1(t), y2(t), y3(t) such that any two of them are linearly independent but three of them are not linearly independent.

In: Advanced Math

Write a Matlab function for a matrix that takes in a matrix in echelon form and...

Write a Matlab function for a matrix that takes in a matrix in echelon form and will return the row canonical form. The function cannot use rref, or any other matlab built in functions.

In: Advanced Math

Compute the center Z of SL2(Z/p)

Compute the center Z of SL2(Z/p)

In: Advanced Math

1. As dry air moves upward, it expands and, in so doing, cools at a rate...

1. As dry air moves upward, it expands and, in so doing, cools at a rate of about 1oC for each 100-meter rise, up to about 12 km. If the ground temperature is 10oC on the ground, what range of temperatures can be expected if an airplane takes off and reaches a maximum height of 4 km? (1 km = 1000 meters

2. What amount of a 15% HCL acid solution must be mixed with a 20% HCL acid solution to obtain 50 milliliters of 18% solution?

3. A telephone company offers two long-distance plans:Plan A: $25 per month and $.05 per minutePlan B: $5 per month and $.12 per minuteFor how many minutes of long-distance calls would Plan B be financially advantageous?

In: Advanced Math

Why is Gauss Elimination faster than solving a system of linear equations by using the inverse...

Why is Gauss Elimination faster than solving a system of linear equations by using the inverse of a Matrix? (I know it has something to do with there being less operation with Gauss elim.) Can you show an example with a 2x2 and 3x3 matrix?

In: Advanced Math

Let A and B be groups, and consider the product group G=A x B. (a) Prove...

Let A and B be groups, and consider the product group G=A x B.

(a) Prove that N={(ea,b) E A x B| b E B} is a subgroup.

(b) Prove that N is isomorphic to B

(c) Prove that N is a normal subgroup of G

(d) Prove that G|N is isomorphic to A

In: Advanced Math

. Solve the Initial value problem by using Laplace transforms: ? ′′ + 3? ′ +...

. Solve the Initial value problem by using Laplace transforms: ? ′′ + 3? ′ + 2? = 6? −? , ?(0) = 2 ? ′ (0) = 8

In: Advanced Math

Find a basis and the dimension of W. Show algebraically how you found your answer. a....

Find a basis and the dimension of W. Show algebraically how you found your answer.

a. W = {(x1, x2, x3, x4) ∈ R^4 | x2 = x3 and x1 + x4 = 0}

b. W = {( A ∈ M 3x3 (R) | A is an upper triangular matrix}

c. W = { f ∈ P3 (R) | f(0) = 0.

In: Advanced Math

Show that if Y is a subspace of X, and A is a subset of Y,...

Show that if Y is a subspace of X, and A is a subset of Y, then the subspace topology on A as a subspace of Y is the same as the subspace topology on A as a subspace of X.

In: Advanced Math