Abstract Algebra Let n ≥ 2. Show that Sn is generated by each of the following...

Abstract Algebra

Let n ≥ 2. Show that Sn is generated by each of the following sets.

(a) S1 = {(1, 2), (1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3, 4), ..., (1, 2, 3,..., n)}

(b) S2 = {(1, 2, 3, ..., n-1), (1, 2, 3, ..., n)}

In: Advanced Math

Consider the integers from 1 to 10. Give the set of pairs (a, b) that corresponds...

Consider the integers from 1 to 10. Give the set of pairs (a, b) that corresponds to relation a ≡ b mod 1.

In: Advanced Math

Prove Theorem 29.9 (Cantor). There are countably many algebraic numbers.In this project, you will prove this...

Prove Theorem 29.9 (Cantor). There are countably many algebraic numbers.In this project, you will prove this theorem.

In: Advanced Math

Given following ODE's 1) x' = x / 1+t, with x(0) = 1 find x(2) 2)...

Given following ODE's

1) x' = x / 1+t, with x(0) = 1 find x(2)

2) x' = t+x with x(0) = 1, find x(2)

3) x' = t-x, with x(1) =2 find x(3)

4) x' = t-x/t+x, with x(2) = 1, find x(4)

a) Solve each of the ODE's using Euler's method with h = 0.5, and calculate the relative error

i) x' = x/1+t: Approximation ____________________ Relative error: ________________

ii) x'= t+x; Approximation ____________________ Relative error: ________________

iii) x' = t-x; Approximation ____________________ Relative error: ________________

iv) x' = t-x/t+x; Approximation ____________________ Relative error: ________________

would you please sow me the steps?

Thank you.

In: Advanced Math

Let W denote the set of English words. For u, v ∈ W, declare u ∼...

Let W denote the set of English words. For u, vW, declare uv provided that u, v have the same length and u, v have the same first letter and u, v have the same last letter.

a) Prove that ∼ is an equivalence relation.

b) List all elements of the equivalence class [a]

c) List all elements of [ox]

d) List all elements of [are]

e) List all elements of [five]. Can you find more than 15?

f) Bonus. Find all three letter words x such that [x] has 5 elements.

In: Advanced Math

A, B and C be sets. (a) Suppose that A ⊆ B and B ⊆ C....

A, B and C be sets.

(a) Suppose that A ⊆ B and B ⊆ C. Does this mean that A ⊆ C? Prove your answer. Hint: to prove that A ⊆ C you must prove the implication, “for all x, if x ∈ A then x ∈ C.”

(b) Suppose that A ∈ B and B ∈ C. Does this mean that A ∈ C? Give an example to prove that this does NOT always happen (and explain why your example works). You should be able to give an example where |A| = |B| = |C| = 2.

In: Advanced Math

[Jordan Measure] Could you prove the following ? Prove that the sets Q ∩ [0, 1]...

[Jordan Measure] Could you prove the following ?

Prove that the sets Q ∩ [0, 1] and [0, 1] \ Q are not Jordan measurable.

In: Advanced Math

Determine whether the equation is exact. If it is exact, FIND THE SOLUTION. If not write...

Determine whether the equation is exact. If it is exact, FIND THE SOLUTION. If not write NOT EXACT.

A) (y/x + 12x) + (lnx - 3)y' = 0 x>0

Solve the given initial value problem.

B)  (12x2 + y − 1) − (14yx)y' = 0,    y(1) = 0

y(x) =

Determine at least approximately where the solution is valid. (Enter your answer as an inequality for which the solution is valid when true.)

The solution is valid as long as: _________

C) Find the value of b for which the given equation is exact.

(ye9xy + x) + bxe9xyy' = 0

b =

Solve it using that value of b: ______


In: Advanced Math

A set X is said to be closed under multiplication if for every x1,x2 ∈ X...

A set X is said to be closed under multiplication if for every x1,x2 ∈ X we have x1x2 ∈ X. Let A be the union of all bounded subsets X ⊆ R that are closed under multiplication. Does inf(A) exist? If it does, find it.

In: Advanced Math

Let a be an element of a finite group G. The order of a is the...

Let a be an element of a finite group G. The order of a is the least power k such that ak = e.

Find the orders of following elements in S5

a. (1 2 3 )

b. (1 3 2 4)

c. (2 3) (1 4)

d. (1 2) (3 5 4)

In: Advanced Math

Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Assuming that the price per SWU is $80 and the cost of conversion...

Nuclear Fuel Cycle:

Assuming that the price per SWU is $80 and the cost of conversion is $4/kgU, what is the
price of the U3O8 ($/lb U3O8) beyond which it will cost less to enrich the already mined, purified, and
converted (to UF6) tails that contain 0.2% U-235 rather than mine new uranium? Assume the product
will be 3% enriched in U-235 in either case and the new tails will be 0.1% (when the old tails are
enriched). Tails stored as UF6 cost nothing.

In: Advanced Math

Consider the systems of equations −3x1 +9x2 +4x3 −5x4 −4x5 = 5 −3x1 +9x2 +3x3 −6x4...

Consider the systems of equations
−3x1 +9x2 +4x3 −5x4 −4x5 = 5
−3x1 +9x2 +3x3 −6x4 −3x5 = 3
x1 −3x2 −x3 +2x4 +x5 = −1
(a) Write this as a matrix equation Ax = b. (b) Find the general solution.
(c) What is Rank(A)?
(d) Does Ax = c have a solution for every c in R3? Explain.

In: Advanced Math

Let ?1=(1,0,1,0) ?2=(0,−1,1,−1) ?3=(1,1,1,1) be linearly independent vectors in ℝ4. a. Apply the Gram-Schmidt algorithm to...

Let ?1=(1,0,1,0) ?2=(0,−1,1,−1) ?3=(1,1,1,1) be linearly independent vectors in ℝ4.

a. Apply the Gram-Schmidt algorithm to orthonormalise the vectors {?1,?2,?3} of vectors {?1,?2,?3}.

b. Find a vector ?4 such that {?1,?2,?3,?4} is an orthonormal basis for ℝ4 (where ℝ4  is the Euclidean space, that is, the inner product is the dot product).

In: Advanced Math

Using Google sheets: On a spreadsheet show how to use the bisection method to solve the...

Using Google sheets: On a spreadsheet show how to use the bisection method to solve the equation cos⁡(x)=x numerically to at least four decimal place accuracy

In: Advanced Math

When we roll one die, we have a 1 in 6 probability of getting any particular...

When we roll one die, we have a 1 in 6 probability of getting any particular number on the die.   When we roll both dice, there are 36 different permutations of total pairs that can be produced, yet only 11 actual distinct values.

Explain how the probability associated with the roll of each individual die in the pair explains the higher variability in the total outcome of the roll of each pair. Discuss how this affects what you think about when we discuss the notion of degree of freedom.

In: Advanced Math