Use Newton-Raphson to find the real root to five significant figures 64x^3+6x^2+12-1=0. First graph this equation...

Use Newton-Raphson to find the real root to five significant figures 64x^3+6x^2+12-1=0. First graph this equation to estimate. Use the estimate for Newton-Raphson

In: Advanced Math

“A real number is rational if and only if it has a periodic decimal expansion” Define...

“A real number is rational if and only if it has a periodic decimal expansion”

Define the present usage of the word periodic and prove the statement

In: Advanced Math

1) Determine whether these statements are true or false. Please explain why so I can understand...

1) Determine whether these statements are true or false. Please explain why so I can understand where the answers came from

a) ∅ ∈ {∅}

b) ∅ ∈ {∅, {∅}}

c) {∅} ∈ {∅}

d) {∅} ∈ {{∅}}

e) {∅} ⊂ {∅, {∅}}

f ) {{∅}} ⊂ {∅, {∅}}

g) {{∅}} ⊂ {{∅}, {∅}}

2) Let A = {a, b, c}, B = {x, y}, and C = {0, 1}. Find

a) A x B x C

d) B x B x B

3) Show that if A and B are sets, then

b) (A ⊕ B) ⊕ B = A. (prove every step! you may use the fact that symmetric difference of sets is associative)

In: Advanced Math

Examine the propagation of roundoff through division.

Examine the propagation of roundoff through division.

In: Advanced Math

Determine whether the statements in (a) and (b) are logically equivalent. Bob is both a math...

Determine whether the statements in (a) and (b) are logically equivalent.

  1. Bob is both a math and computer science major and Ann is a math major, but Ann is not both a math and computer science major.

  2. It is not the case that both Bob and Ann are both math and computer science majors, but it is the case that Ann is a math major and Bob is both a math and computer science major.

In: Advanced Math

In a (2, 5) Shamir secret sharing scheme with modulus 19, two of the shares are...

In a (2, 5) Shamir secret sharing scheme with modulus 19, two of the shares are (0,11) and (1,9). Another share is (3,k), but the value of k is unreadable. Find the correct value of k.

In: Advanced Math

5. Calculate the conditional probability distribution

|    | a1   | a2   |
| b1 | 0.37 | 0.16 |
| b2 | 0.23 | ?    |

5. Calculate the conditional probability distribution, ?(?|?)P(A|B).

6. Calculate the conditional probability distribution, ?(?|?)P(B|A).

7. Does ?(?|?)=?(?|?)P(A|B)=P(B|A)? What do we call the belief that these are always equal?

8. Does ?(?)=?(?|?)P(A)=P(A|B)? What does that mean about the independence of ? and B?

In: Advanced Math

Using traditional methods it takes 8.2 hours to receive a basic flying license. A new license...

Using traditional methods it takes 8.2 hours to receive a basic flying license. A new license training method using Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) has been proposed. A researcher used the technique on 26 students and observed that they had a mean of 8.0 hours with a variance of 2.89 . Is there evidence at the 0.1 level that the technique reduces the training time? Assume the population distribution is approximately normal. Step 1 of 5: State the null and alternative hypotheses.

In: Advanced Math

Discribe in 300. words systems like RSA; authentication in public-key systems uses digital signature it was invented in 1977 by Ron Rivest

Discribe in 300. words systems like RSA; authentication in public-key systems uses digital signature it was invented in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard. please type

In: Advanced Math

Let G = Z4XZ3XZ2 and consider the two cyclic subgroups H = h(0; 1; 1)i and...

Let G = Z4XZ3XZ2 and consider the two cyclic subgroups H = h(0; 1; 1)i and K = h(2; 1; 1)i of G. (a) Find all cosets (along with the elements they contain) to H and K, respectively. (b) Write down Cayley tables for the factor groups G=H and G=K, and classify them according to the Fundamental Theorem of Finite Abelian Groups.

In: Advanced Math

COMP1805AB (Fall 2019)  "Discrete Structures I" Specification for Assignment 1 of 4 Please ensure that...

COMP1805AB (Fall 2019)  "Discrete Structures I" Specification for Assignment 1 of 4

Please ensure that you include your name and student number on your submission. Your submission must be created using Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or LaTeX.

  1. Translate the following English expressions into logical statements. You must explicitly state what the atomic propositions are (e.g., "Let p be proposition ...") and then show their logical relation.

    1. If it is red then it is not blue and it is not green.

    2. It is white but it is also red and green and blue.

    3. It is black if and only if it is not red, green, or blue.

  2. Determine if the following expressions are tautologies, contradictions, or contingencies by using only truth tables. Show all your work and do not skip any steps (i.e., ensure you that you include a new column for every single operation and that you state at the end whether each expression is a tautology, contingency, or contradiction).

    a. ¬(?∧(¬?∨(?→?)))
    b. (? ∨(? ↔(¬?∧ (? ∨?))))

    c. (? ∧¬(? ∧(? ∨(? ↔?))))d. ¬(?∨¬(?→(?∧?)))

  1. Determine if the following expressions are tautologies, contradictions, or contingencies by using only the logical equivalences. Show all your work and do not skip any steps (i.e., ensure you that you include the name of each equivalence used (excluding commutativity and associativity) and that you state at the end whether each expression is a tautology, contingency, or contradiction).

    a. (? ∧(? →¬?))b. (¬?→(?∨?))c. (? ↔(?∨ ¬?))d. (¬? ∨(?∧?))

  2. Using only the  and the  operators, find a logical expression that is equivalent to (? → (? ∧ p)) → (? ∨ p). For this question, you do not need to specify "how" you found the equivalent expression because you will show both techniques in questions 5 and 6 below.

  3. Prove that the expression you found for question 4 above is equivalent to the expression (? → (? ∧ p)) → (? ∨ p) by using only truth tables. Show all your work and do not skip any steps (i.e., ensure that you include a new column for every single operation).

  4. Prove that the expression you found for question 4 above is equivalent to the expression (? → (? ∧ p)) → (? ∨ p) by using only the logical equivalences. Show all your work and do not skip any steps.

  5. Let L(x) be the predicate "x is a lion", G(x) be the predicate "x is a giraffe", and M(x) be the predicate "x eats meat". Translate the following expressions into English. The universe of discourse is all animals.

    1. ∀? (?(?) ∧ ?(?))

    2. ∃? (¬(?(?) ∧ ?(?)) ∨ ¬?(?))

    3. ∀? ((?(?) ∨ ?(?)) → (¬?(?) → ?(?)))

In: Advanced Math

(Investment): An investor has $150,000 to invest in oil stock, steel stock, and government bonds. The...

(Investment): An investor has $150,000 to invest in oil stock, steel stock, and government bonds. The bonds are guaranteed to yield 5%, but the yield for each stock can vary. To protect against major losses, the investor decides that the amount invested in oil stock should not exceed $50,000. The total amount invested in stock CANNOT exceed the amount invested in bonds by more than $25,000.

a) Set up the problem (decision variables, problem constraints, non-negativity constraints).

b) Now form the objective function if oil stock yields 12% and the steel stock yields 9%. How much should be invested in each alternative in order to maximize the return (don't forget the bonds). What is the maximum return?

In: Advanced Math

Determine if the vector(s), polynomial(s), matrices are linearly independent in R^3, P3(R), M 2x2 (R). Show...

Determine if the vector(s), polynomial(s), matrices are linearly independent in R^3, P3(R), M 2x2 (R). Show algebraically how you found your answer.

a. < 2, 1, 5 > , < -2, 3, 1 > , < -4, 4, 1 >

b. x^3 - 3x^2 + 2x +1, -2x^3 + 9x^2 -3, x^3 + 6x

c. | 1 2 | | -3, -1 |

| -4  2 | , | 2 1|

In: Advanced Math

(a) Find the limit of {(1/(n^(3/2)))-(3/n)+2} and use an epsilon, N argument to show that this...

(a) Find the limit of {(1/(n^(3/2)))-(3/n)+2} and use an epsilon, N argument to show that this is indeed the correct limit.

(b) Use an epsilon, N argument to show that {1/(n^(1/2))} converges to 0.

(c) Let k be a positive integer. Use an epsilon, N argument to show that {a/(n^(1/k))} converges to 0.

(d) Show that if {Xn} converges to x, then the sequence {Xn^3} converges to x^3. This has to be an epsilon, N argument [Hint: Use the difference of powers formula].

In: Advanced Math

Using the information below, complete the tax form 1040 above. Brian and Sheila Williams were married...

Using the information below, complete the tax form 1040 above.

Brian and Sheila Williams were married in October of 2008. They live at 1000 Main Street, Atlanta, GA 33127. Brian is a postal service worker. Sheila is a teacher at Grady High School. Brian’s social security number is 555-11-1111 and Sheila’s social security number is 555-22-2222. They have a dependent daughter Jayla who is 10 years old (Born on May 12th). Jayla’s social security number is 555-33-3333. In 2016, Brian's wages was $45,860 while Sheila's was $43,590.

Included or Excluded Items
Two years ago, the taxpayer loaned a friend $2000. The friend has filed for bankruptcy this year and will not be able to repay
Earned $100 interest on county municipal bonds
Found a diamond worth $1000 on the ground
Received $500 in death benefits fron Brian's father
Received $4,000 court settlement. $1,000 was punitive damanges.
Brian paid $400/month in child support
Received a $1000 gift from his brother
Sheila won $100 playing bingo
Brian paid $200/month in alimony to his ex-wife
Sheila received a $1000 gift from her mother
Sheila spent $300 on supplies for her classroom
Portfolio Investments
Stock Acquired Sold Sales Price Cost (Basis) Qualified Dividends
Red Stock 2/1/2016 10/5/2016 $6,000 $2,500 $0
White Stock 6/11/2009 10/15/2016 $5,000 $4,000 $100
Blue Stock 10/1/2005 8/3/2016 $2,000 $10,000 $0
Black Stock 3/6/2016 12/15/2016 $3,000 $5,000 $0
Yellow Stock 4/5/2006 N/A N/A $5,000 $300
Interest Income Source Amount
Money Market Account $200
Savings Account $25
State Municipal Bonds $35
Rental Property
They own and rent two pieces of residential real estate in Miami, FL. These properties were acquired with cash (so there are no mortgages on the homes). They both have real estate broker licenses in Georgia and Florida. They dedicate enough hours (through their business) to qualify as a “real estate professional” with regard to these properties.
Property 1
The first property is located at 17750 NW 17th Ave, Miami, FL. They collect $1,000 monthly in rent. The property was purchased June 30, 2016 for $150,000. The tax records show that the value of the land is $30,000 and the value of the home was $90,000 when purchased. They actively participate in the management of the real property.
The property has the following expenditures:
Property tax $7,000/yr
Repairs $   900/yr
Insurance $1,200/yr
Washing Machine $300 (purchased 6/2/2015)
Refrigerator $700 (purchased 7/1/2016)
Furniture $2,000 (purchased 4/1/2014)
Property 2
The second property is located at 5610 NW 11th Ave, Miami, FL. They collect $1,500 monthly in rent. The property was purchased on June 12, 2016 for $100,000. The tax records show that the value of the land is $20,000 and the value of the home was $80,000 when purchased. They actively participate in the management of the real property.
The property has the following expenditures:
Property tax $6,200/yr
Repairs $3,000/yr
Insurance $1,200/yr
Legal fees $   500/yr
Advertising Expense $   500/yr

In: Advanced Math