Prove that if the integers 1, 2, 3, . . . , 65 are arranged in...

Prove that if the integers 1, 2, 3, . . . , 65 are arranged in any order, then it is possible to look either left to right or right to left through the list and find nine numbers that are in increasing order

In: Advanced Math

function[prob,flop]=Matlab(a,b) a=[1,2,3]; b=[7,8,9]; if (length(a)~=length(b)) disp("it doesn't make sense"); end prob=0; flop=0; for i=1:length(a) prob=prob+a(i)*b(i); flop=flop+2;...



if (length(a)~=length(b))
disp("it doesn't make sense");


for i=1:length(a)

What is wrong with my code? it only run the disp(prob) and it doesn't run the disp(flop)

here is what I got

ans =


However, if I take % for the function line, it shows



In: Advanced Math

1.- let(X1, τ1) and (X2, τ2) are two compact topological spaces. Prove that their topological product...

1.- let(X1, τ1) and (X2, τ2) are two compact topological spaces. Prove that their topological product is also compact.
2.- Let f: X - → Y be a continuous transformation, where X is compact and Y is Hausdorff. Show that if f is bijective then f is a homeomorphism.

In: Advanced Math

1.- Show that (R, τs) is connected. Also show that (a, b) is connected, with the...

1.- Show that (R, τs) is connected. Also show that (a, b) is connected, with the subspace topology given by τs.

2. Let f: X → Y continue. We say that f is open if it sends open of X in open of Y. Show that the canonical projection

ρi: X1 × X2 → Xi
(x1, x2) −→ xi

It is continuous and open, for i = 1, 2, where (X1, τ1) and (X2, τ2) are two topological spaces and X1 × X2 has the product topology.

In: Advanced Math

Question in graph theory: 1. Let (a1,a2,a3, be a sequence of integers. Given that the sum...

Question in graph theory:

1. Let (a1,a2,a3, be a sequence of integers.

Given that the sum of all integers = 2(n-1)

Write an algorithm that, starting with a sequence (a1,a2,a3, of positive
integers, either constructs a tree with this degree sequence or concludes that
none is possible.

In: Advanced Math

A terrible despot governing one small country decided to check how smart are people living in...

A terrible despot governing one small country decided to check
how smart are people living in his country. He gathered 20 smartest people
and put hats on their heads. Everybody could see all hats except their own.
Then the despot said: "Some of the hats have a red stripe on them. I will
give you one minute to think and then ask who has a red stripe on their
hat? If nobody answers, then I will give one more minute and ask the same
question again. I will repeat it 100 times. If you guess somehow that you got
stripe on the hat you have to wait till I ask my question and say immediately
about that, because after somebody will gure out correctly that he or she
has a stripe on the hat, I will kill everybody else who has the stripe and did
not gure it out. If you say that you have a stripe and you don't , I will kill
you. " They know that each of them is really good at deduction (got A for
Math 311W when they were in college) and nobody wants to die.
a) Prove that if 2 people have red stripes on their hats, then after the terrible
despot will ask them second time all of them will say that they have them,
and despot won't be able to kill anybody.
b) What happens if three people have stripes?

In: Advanced Math

Find all solutions of: (a) 4? ≡ 3 ??? 7 (b) 9? ≡ 11 ??? 26...

Find all solutions of:
(a) 4? ≡ 3 ??? 7
(b) 9? ≡ 11 ??? 26
(c) 8? ≡ 6 ??? 14
(d) 8? ≡ 6 ??? 422

In: Advanced Math

Which number set can you find: a. the inverse of integers under multiplication? b. the inverse...

Which number set can you find:

a. the inverse of integers under multiplication?

b. the inverse of natural numbers under multiplication?

In: Advanced Math

Please prove this and explain each step. Thank you. Use logical reasoning to solve the following...

Please prove this and explain each step. Thank you.

Use logical reasoning to solve the following puzzle:
Five friends disagree on whether to play video games or basketball. Either Alice or
Bob, or both, want to play video games. Cindy and Don disagree on what they want to
play. If Ellen plays video games, then so does Cindy. Alice and Don will play the same
game. If Bob plays video games, then so do Alice and Ellen. Who is playing what?

In: Advanced Math

For the equation e^x =x+2, (a) use the fixed point iteration method to determine its two...

For the equation e^x =x+2,
(a) use the fixed point iteration method to determine its two roots to eight correct decimal places (you may need to write this equation in two different ways of x = g(x) in order to obtain these two roots);
(b) numerically calculate the convergence rates for your converged iterations; (c) compare these numerical convergence rates with the theoretical conver- gence rates we presented in class (also see Theorem 1.6 on page 38 of the textbook).

In: Advanced Math

Plot the contours of u(x,y)=xy and its harmonic conjugate v(x,y).

Plot the contours of u(x,y)=xy and its harmonic conjugate v(x,y).

In: Advanced Math

show that if H is a p sylow subgroup of a finite group G then for...

show that if H is a p sylow subgroup of a finite group G then for an arbitrary x in G x^-1 H x is also a p sylow subgroup of G

In: Advanced Math

1. For this question, we define the following vectors: u = (1, 2), v = (−2,...

1. For this question, we define the following vectors: u = (1, 2), v = (−2, 3).

(a) Sketch following vectors on the same set of axes. Make sure to label your axes with a scale. i. 2u ii. −v iii. u + 2v iv. A unit vector which is parallel to v

(b) Let w be the vector satisfying u + v + w = 0 (0 is the zero vector). Draw a diagram showing the geometric relationship between the three vectors u, v and w.

2. Let P 1 and P2 be planes with general equations P1 : −2x + y − 4z = 2, P2 : x + 2y = 7.

(a) Let P3 be a plane which is orthogonal to both P1 and P2. If such a plane P3 exists, give a possible general equation for it. Otherwise, explain why it is not possible to find such a plane. (b) Let ` be a line which is orthogonal to both P1 and P2. If such a line ` exists, give a possible vector equation for it. Otherwise, explain why it is not possible to find such a line.

In: Advanced Math

Problem 5. The operator T : H → H is an isometry if ||T f|| =...

Problem 5. The operator T : H → H is an isometry if ||T f|| = ||f|| for all f ∈ H.

(a) Please, prove that if T is an isometry then (T f, T g) = (f, g) for all f, g ∈ H.

(b) Now prove that if T is an isometry then TT = I.

(c) Now prove that if T is surjective and isometry (and thus unitary) then T T = I.

(d) Give an example of an isometry T that is not unitary. Hint: consider l2(N) and the map which takes (a1, a2, . . .) to (0, a1, a2, . . .).

(e) Now Prove that if TT is unitary then T is an isometry. Hint: Start with ||T f||2 = (f, TT f) and use Holders inequality to get ||T f|| ≤ ||f||. Next consider ||f|| = ||T ∗T f|| do get the opposite inequality.

In: Advanced Math

Conception about Integral, lower sum, upper sum.. Clear writing please and follow the comment What is...

Conception about Integral, lower sum, upper sum.. Clear writing please and follow the comment

What is the difference between lower sum and lower integral

by the textbook, lower sum is defined by the infimum but lower inegral is using supremum? how come? Please explain.

By the Real analysis

In: Advanced Math