Use the divergence theorem to calculate the flux of the vector field F⃗ (x,y,z)=−5xyi⃗ +2yzj⃗ +4xzk⃗  through...

Use the divergence theorem to calculate the flux of the vector field F⃗ (x,y,z)=−5xyi⃗ +2yzj⃗ +4xzk⃗  through the sphere S of radius 2 centered at the origin and oriented outward.
∬SF⃗ ⋅dA⃗ =

In: Advanced Math

For the differential equation dy/dx=ye^x check all that apply A. PDE B. ODE C. homogeneous D....

For the differential equation dy/dx=ye^x check all that apply

C. homogeneous
D. linear
E. constant coefficients
F. autonomous
G. system

this is a differential equation problem. i was thinking it was A,C,F but thats not correct. any suggestions would help.

In: Advanced Math

1) An observer fails to check the bubble of a level and it is off two...

1) An observer fails to check the bubble of a level and it is off two divisions on a 100-m sight. If the sensitivity of the bubble is 20-sec, what error would there be in the reading? 2 ) The following azimuths are from the north: 329°20’, 180°35’, 48°32’, 170°30’, 145°25’, 319°35’, 350°45’, 95°49’, 11°30’, 235°45’. Express these directions as (a) azimuth from the south, (b) back azimuths, (c) bearings. 8) 6.7 The following azimuths are reckoned from the north: FE = 4°25’, ED = 90°15’, DC = 271°32’, CB = 320°21’, and BA = 190°45’. What are the corresponding bearings? What are the deflections angles between consecutive lines? 9) 6.8 The interior angles of a five-sided closed polygon ABCDE are as follows: A, 120°24’; B, 80°15’; C, 132°24’; D, 142°20’. The angle E is not measured. Compute the angle at E, assuming the given values to be correct.’ 10) 6.11 In an old survey made when the declination was 4°15’E, the magnetic bearing of a given line was N35°15’E. The declination in same locality is now 1°10’W. What are the true bearing and the present magnetic bearing that would be used in retracing the line? 11) The following bearings taken on a closed compass and fill up the table. Lines Bearings (deg-min) Azimuth N Deflection Angles Angle to the Right Interior Angles AB S 37-30 E ? 83°45’ 163°45’ ? BC S 43-30 W ? ? ? ? CD N 73-30 W ? ? ? ? DE N 11-45 E ? ? ? ? EF ? ? ? ? ? 12) ILLUSTRATE THE TRAVERSE AND SHOW THE SOLUTIONS. Transform graphically into a figure with sides containing unknown quantities are made adjoining. Determine the unknown quantities. Course Length Bearing AB 492.98 N 05°30’ E BC UNKNOWN S 12°17’ E CD 845.85 N 46°03’ E DE 852.18 S 67°24’ E EF 1210.50 UNKNOWN FA 661.26 N 55°27’ W AB BC CD DE EF FA 13) ILLUSTRATE THE TRAVERSE AND SHOW THE SOLUTIONS. Transform graphically into a figure with sides containing unknown quantities are made adjoining. Determine the unknown quantities. Course Length Bearing AB 249.18 S 19°32’ E BC UNKNOWN N 74°09’ E CD 445.10 S 36°40’ E DE 668.27 S 51°14’ W EF 866.79 N 73°25’ W FG UNKNOWN N 26°00’ W GA 560.15 N 64°32’ E 14) Given Below is the technical description of lot 2061, Cebu Cadastre. Line Length (m) Azimuth from South 1-2 22.04 S 32°17’ W 2-3 10.00 N 36°35’ W 3-4 5.00 N 15°47’ W 4-1 19.95 N 73°07’ E 1. Find the area of the lot by DMD method. 2. Find the area of the lot by DPD method. 15) Compute for the following and show the tabulated solutions: (Notes: Use 2 decimal places for all corrections and lengths, degrees and minutes for angles) Line Length (m) Azimuth from South AB 1020.87 168°35’ BC 1117.26 263°30’ CD 660.08 304°25’ DE 495.85 5°30’ EF 850.62 46°15’ FA 855.45 112°30’ 1. Using Compass Rule, solve for adjusted latitudes, departures, distances and bearings for all the traverse lines 2. Using Transit Rule, solve for adjusted latitudes, departures, distances and bearings for all the traverse lines 3. Using coordinate method and using the result of balancing traverse in # 2 (transit rule) with station A (N,E) coordinates = (20000, 20000), solve for the coordinates (N, E) of all traverse stations and the area of the traverse 4. Using DMD method and using the result of balancing traverse in # 2 (transit rule), solve for area of the traverse 5. Using DPD method and using the result of balancing traverse in # 2 (transit rule), solve for area of the traverse 16) At regular interval of 5 meters along line AB, the measured offset distances from the line AB to the edge of the stream are: 6.5, 7.3, 12.1, 12.7, 14.5, 16.0, 18.6, 18.5, 16.4, 15.9, 14.7, 13.5, 12.75, 12.5, 9.7 and 2.0. What is the area between line AB and the stream?

In: Advanced Math

Does every linear transformation from a complex vector space to itself have an eigenvector?

Does every linear transformation from a complex vector space to itself have an eigenvector?

In: Advanced Math

Show that (x-2)2 -lnx = 0, [1,2] and [e,4] have at least one solution in the...

Show that (x-2)2 -lnx = 0, [1,2] and [e,4] have at least one solution in the given intervals.

In: Advanced Math

Use the Fourier transform to find the solution of the following initial boundaryvalue Laplace equations uxx...

Use the Fourier transform to find the solution of the following initial boundaryvalue Laplace equations

uxx + uyy = 0, −∞ < x < ∞ 0 < y < a,

u(x, 0) = f(x), u(x, a) = 0, −∞ < x < ∞

u(x, y) → 0 uniformlyiny as|x| → ∞.

In: Advanced Math

Find the Fourier series of the following functions f(x) = sinx+x^2+x, −2 < x < 2

Find the Fourier series of the following functions

f(x) = sinx+x^2+x,

−2 < x < 2

In: Advanced Math

1.Find all rational zeros of the polynomial, and then find the irrational zeros, if any. Whenever...

1.Find all rational zeros of the polynomial, and then find the irrational zeros, if any. Whenever appropriate, use the Rational Zeros Theorem, the Upper and Lower Bounds Theorem, Descartes' Rule of Signs, the Quadratic Formula, or other factoring techniques. (Enter your answers as comma-separated lists. Enter all answers including repetitions. If an answer does not exist, enter DNE.)

P(x) = 12x4 − 11x3 − 18x2 + 5x

rational zeros     x =


Find all rational zeros of the polynomial. (Enter your answers as a comma-separated list. Enter all answers including repetitions.)

P(x) = 6x4 − 7x3 − 13x2 + 4x + 4

x =


Two polynomials P and D are given. Use either synthetic or long division to divide P(x) by D(x),

and express P in the form

P(x) = D(x) · Q(x) + R(x).

P(x) = 4x3 + 9x + 9,    D(x) = 2x + 1

P(x) =


P(x) = 12x4 − 11x3 − 18x2 + 5x

rational zeros     x =

In: Advanced Math

Among the tools (e.g., graphics tools, knowledge-based tools, etc.), determine the type of tool that you...

Among the tools (e.g., graphics tools, knowledge-based tools, etc.), determine the type of tool that you would use for process improvement framework. Next, determine the type of tool you would use for problem solving framework. Justify your response.

In: Advanced Math

Suppose T ∈ L(V) a) Show that V = ImT0 ⊃ ImT1 ⊃ ImT2 ⊃ ......

Suppose T ∈ L(V)

a) Show that V = ImT0 ⊃ ImT1 ⊃ ImT2 ⊃ ...

b) Show that if m ≥ 0 is such that ImTm = ImTm + 1, then ImTm + k =ImTm + k + 1 for all k ≥ 0.

c) Show that if n = dim V, then ImTn = ImTn + 1 = ImTn + 2 = ....

In: Advanced Math

let f be analytic and not constant on a domain G. show that the area of...

let f be analytic and not constant on a domain G. show that the area of f(G)is strictly positive

(complex variables)

In: Advanced Math

Find the solution of the given initial value problem. y(4) + 2y''' + y'' + 8y'...

Find the solution of the given initial value problem.

y(4) + 2y''' + y'' + 8y' − 12y = 12 sin t − e−t;    y(0) = 7,    y'(0) = 0,    y''(0) = −1,    y'''(0) = 2

In: Advanced Math

Find the green's function and fine the solution y"+4y=x y(0)=0, y'(1)=0

Find the green's function and fine the solution


y(0)=0, y'(1)=0

In: Advanced Math

find the eigenvalue and eigenfuction for the Sturm-lioville system y"+ky=0 y(0)=y(2pi) y'(0)=y'(2pi)

find the eigenvalue and eigenfuction for the Sturm-lioville system




In: Advanced Math

Jessica bought a portfolio of five bonds for $50,000. Each of the bonds is a par...

Jessica bought a portfolio of five bonds for $50,000. Each of the bonds is a par valued 10,000 6% bond with annual coupons. These five bonds mature at time t=16 through t=20. Find Jessica’s APY.

In: Advanced Math