1. Calculate the Transversality Conditions 2. and then solve the ff: a.)  Ux +Uy =1-U U (X,...

1. Calculate the Transversality Conditions

2. and then solve the ff:

a.)  Ux +Uy =1-U

U (X, X+X^2) = SIN X

b) XUx + YUy= 4U

with initial condition u=1 on the unit circle x^2 +y^2 =1

( you will need to parameterize the circle in terms of parameter r).

In: Advanced Math

What is Monte Carlo simulation? What principles underlie its use, and what steps are followed in...

What is Monte Carlo simulation? What principles underlie its use, and what steps are followed in applying it? Be detailed and give an example.

In: Advanced Math

From historical data, Harry’s Car Wash estimates that dirty cars arrive at the rate of 10...

  1. From historical data, Harry’s Car Wash estimates that dirty cars arrive at the rate of 10 per hour all day Saturday. With a crew working the wash line, Harry figures that cars can be cleaned at the rate of one every 5 minutes. One car at a time is cleaned in this example of a single-channel waiting line. Assuming Poisson arrivals and exponential service times, find the
    1. average number of cars inline.
    2. average time a car waits before it is washed.
    3. average time a car spends in the service system.
    4. utilization rate of the car wash.
    5. probability that no cars are in the system.

Please be detailed and show your work.

In: Advanced Math

If we rename y=x^2, f(x)=x^2, could we rename the inverse f^-1(x)? Explain your answer

If we rename y=x^2, f(x)=x^2, could we rename the inverse f^-1(x)? Explain your answer

In: Advanced Math

The Discounted Cash Flow methodology. The difference between interest rates and different compounding methods. The concepts...

The Discounted Cash Flow methodology. The difference between interest rates and different compounding methods. The concepts of present value and future value as well as discounting. How to determine a firm's cash flow in the context of required rates of return and compensation for risk.Please give us one example from your research, work, or personal life of an application of the above concepts.

In: Advanced Math

Two events E1 and E2 are said to be independent if p(E1∩E2) =p(E1)p(E2). Two (fair, standard)...

Two events E1 and E2 are said to be independent if p(E1∩E2) =p(E1)p(E2). Two (fair, standard) dice are rolled, and their sum is found.

(a) Are the events “the sum is even” and “the sum is greater than 7” independent?

(b) Are the events “the sum is a multiple of 3” and “the sum is greater than 7”independent?

In: Advanced Math

Emma has provided to you a listing of the transactions she has undertaken throughout the financial...

Emma has provided to you a listing of the transactions she has undertaken throughout the financial year to assist you in completing her 2015 income tax return.
Sale of a block of land for $1,000,000: Emma purchased the land as an investment in 1991. The purchase price was $250,000, plus $5,000 in stamp duty, $10,000 in legal fees. To fund the purchase, she took out a loan on which she paid interest totalling $32,000. During the period of ownership her council rates, water rates and insurance totalled $22,000. In January 2005 a dispute occurred with a neighbour over the use of the land and legal fees incurred amounted to $5,000 in resolving this dispute. Before putting the property on the market $27,500 was spent to remove a number of large dangerous pine trees that were on the land. Advertising, legal fees and agent’s fees on the sale of the land were $25,000.
Sale of Emma’s 1000 shares in Rio Tinto for $50.85 per share: Emma paid brokerage fee of 2% on the sale. Emma initially purchased the shares for $3.5 per share in 1982.
Sale of a stamp collection Emma had purchased, from a private collector, in January 2015 for $60,000: Emma sold the collection at auction for $50,000. Auction fees totalled $5,000 for the sale.
Sale of a grand piano for $30,000: It was initially bought for $80,000 in 2000.
HI6028 Taxation Theory, Practice and Law Individual Assignment T2.2019 4
Advise Emma of the capital gain tax (CGT) consequences of her transitions. Ignore indexation. Your answer must include references to relevant tax law and or cases.

Hello, To support our answer we need to refer to the correct key section of the law. Support your answer by referring to relevant statutory & case law.

In: Advanced Math

Suppose we assume the logic has just 5 statement letters (i.e. Boolean variables): A, B, C,...

Suppose we assume the logic has just 5 statement letters (i.e. Boolean variables): A, B, C, D, and E.

E1. Show a model that is a counterexample to (A ^ B) |= (B --> (not C))?

E2. Expand the definition of entailment in the following two statements, explaining without using "entails" what they mean:

a. P |= (Q v R)

b. either (P |= Q) or (P |= R) or both Here, P, Q, and R are arbitrary formulas.

E3. Prove that 2a and 2b are not necessarily the same by finding formulas P, Q, and R for which one is true and the other is false.

In: Advanced Math

1) Angeline bought an RM8,000 hi-fi set through an instalment plan. She has to pay RM4,000...

1) Angeline bought an RM8,000 hi-fi set through an instalment plan. She has to pay RM4,000 down payment and 10 monthly payments of RM450 each. By using the Constant Ratio formula, find:
a) The total interest charged.
b) The instalment price.
c) The simple interest rate charged.
d) The approximate effective rate.
2) A loan of RM5,000 for 20 months at 10% per annum simple interest rate was settled by making 20 monthly payments. Find the outstanding principal just after the eighth payment by using the Rule of 78.

In: Advanced Math

A loan of RM5,000 for 20 months at 10% per annum simple interest rate was settled...

A loan of RM5,000 for 20 months at 10% per annum simple interest rate was settled by making 20 monthly payments. Find the outstanding principal just after the eighth payment by using the Rule of 78.

In: Advanced Math

Prove that for n ⩾ 2 there are exactly two n-vertex graphs with n − 1...

Prove that for n ⩾ 2 there are exactly two n-vertex graphs with n − 1 distinct degrees (up to isomorphism). The other answers on the website are incorrect.

In: Advanced Math

Let G be a group of order mn where gcd(m,n)=1 Let a and b be elements...

Let G be a group of order mn where gcd(m,n)=1

Let a and b be elements in G such that o(a)=m and 0(b)=n

Prove that G is cyclic if and only if ab=ba

In: Advanced Math

4. Gradient descent. Gradient descent is one of the most popular algorithms in data science and...

4. Gradient descent. Gradient descent is one of the most popular algorithms in data science and by far the most common way to optimise neural networks. A function is minimised by iteratively moving a little bit in the direction of negative gradient. For the two-dimensional case, the step of iteration is given by the formula xn+1 , yn+1 = xn, yn − ε ∇f(xn, yn). In general, ε does not have to be a constant, but in this question, for demonstrative purposes, we set ε = 0.1. Let f(x, y) = 3.5x 2 − 4xy + 6.5y 2 and x0 and y0 be any real numbers. (a) For all x, y ∈ R compute ∇f(x, y) and find a matrix A such that [3] A x y = x y − ε ∇f(x, y). Write an expression for xn yn in terms of x0 and y0 and powers of A. (b) Find the eigenvalues of A. [1] (c) Find one eigenvector corresponding to each eigenvalue. [2] (d) Find matrices P and D such that D is diagonal and A = P DP −1 . [1] (e) Find matrices Dn , P −1 and An . Find formulas for xn and yn. [4] (f) Suppose x0 = y0 = 1. Find the smallest N ∈ N such that xN yN ≤ 0.05. [3] (g) Sketch the region R consisting of those (x0, y0) such that xN ≥ 0, yN ≥ 0 and [4] xN yN ≤ 0.05, xN−1 yN−1 > 0.05, where N is the number found in part (f). Write an equation for the boundary of R. Which points of the boundary belongs to R and which do not?

In: Advanced Math

1) When a mass of 3 kilograms is attached to a spring whose constant is 48...

1) When a mass of 3 kilograms is attached to a spring whose constant is 48 N/m, it comes to rest in the equilibrium position. Starting at

t = 0, a force equal to f(t) = 180e−4t cos(4t) is applied to the system. Find the equation of motion in the absence of damping.

x(t) =

2) Solve the given initial-value problem. d^(2)x/dt^2 + 9x = 5 sin(3t), x(0) = 6,  x'(0) = 0

x(t) =

In: Advanced Math

Use Stokes' Theorem to find the circulation of F⃗ =2yi⃗ +2zj⃗ +4xk⃗  around the triangle obtained by...

Use Stokes' Theorem to find the circulation of F⃗ =2yi⃗ +2zj⃗ +4xk⃗  around the triangle obtained by tracing out the path (3,0,0) to (3,0,4), to (3,4,4) back to (3,0,0).

Circulation = ∫CF⃗ ⋅dr⃗  =

Second time I've asked this question because chegg cant solve this problem correct. 24sqrt(2) is the wrong answer

In: Advanced Math