Let G be connected, and let e be an edge of G. Prove that e is...

Let G be connected, and let e be an edge of G. Prove that e is a bridge if and only if it is in every spanning tree of G.

In: Advanced Math

Show that if a function f(z) is analytic in a domain D then it has derivatives...

Show that if a function f(z) is analytic in a domain D then it has derivatives of all orders in D.

In: Advanced Math

(a) Prove the following claim: in every simple graph G on at least two vertices, we...

(a) Prove the following claim: in every simple graph G on at least two vertices, we can always find two distinct vertices v,w such that deg(v) = deg(w).

(b) Prove the following claim: if G is a simple connected graph in which the degree of every vertex is even, then we can delete any edge from G and it will still be connected.

In: Advanced Math

Sketch the direction field of the equation dy/dx=y-4y^3. Sketch the phase portrait. Find the equilibrium solutions...

Sketch the direction field of the equation dy/dx=y-4y^3. Sketch the phase portrait. Find the equilibrium solutions and classify each equilibrium as stable, unstable or semi-stable. Sketch typical solutions of the equation.

In: Advanced Math

3) Laplace Transform and Solving first order Linear Differential Equations with Applications The Laplace transform of...

3) Laplace Transform and Solving first order Linear Differential Equations with Applications The Laplace transform of a function, transform of a derivative, transform of the second derivative, transform of an integral, table of Laplace transform for simple functions, the inverse Laplace transform, solving first order linear differential equations by the Laplace transform Applications: a)))))) Series RL circuit with ac source [electronics]

In: Advanced Math

Suppose f : X → S and F ⊆ P(S). Show, f −1 (∪A∈F A) =...

Suppose f : X → S and F ⊆ P(S). Show, f −1 (∪A∈F A) = ∪A∈F f −1 (A) f −1 (∩A∈F A) = ∩A∈F f −1 (A)

Show, if A, B ⊆ X, then f(A ∩ B) ⊆ f(A) ∩ f(B). Give an example, if possible, where strict inclusion holds.

Show, if C ⊆ X, then f −1 (f(C)) ⊇ C. Give an example, if possible, where strict inclusion holds.

In: Advanced Math

Suppose R and R0 are 2 ⇥ 3 row-reduced echelon matrices and that the systems RX...

Suppose R and R0 are 2 ⇥ 3 row-reduced echelon matrices and that the systems RX = 0
and R’X = 0 have exactly the same solutions. Prove that R = R’

In: Advanced Math

show that 43 is the largest integer that cant be written in the form of 6a+9b+20c

show that 43 is the largest integer that cant be written in the form of 6a+9b+20c

In: Advanced Math

For any r, s ∈ N, show how to order the numbers 1, 2, . ....

For any r, s ∈ N, show how to order the numbers 1, 2, . . . , rs so that the resulting sequence has no increasing subsequence of length > r and no decreasing subsequence of length > s.

In: Advanced Math

Many elderly people have purchased medigap insurance policies to cover a growing Medicare copayment. These polices...

Many elderly people have purchased medigap insurance policies to cover a growing Medicare copayment. These polices cover some or all of the medical costs not covered by Medicare. use economic theory to explain how these policies likely influence the demand for health care by elderly people.

In: Advanced Math

u=αx + αy find slope, graph convexty continuity

u=αx + αy

slope, graph

In: Advanced Math

Let f : X → Y and g : Y → Z be functions. We can...

Let f : X → Y and g : Y → Z be functions. We can define the composition of f and g to be the function g◦ f : X → Z for which the image of each x ∈ X is g(f(x)). That is, plug x into f, then plug theresultinto g (justlikecompositioninalgebraandcalculus). (a) If f and g arebothinjective,must g◦ f beinjective? Explain. (b) If f and g arebothsurjective,must g◦ f besurjective? Explain. (c) Suppose g◦ f isinjective. What,ifanything,canyousayabout f and g? Explain. (d) Suppose g◦f issurjective. What,ifanything,canyousayabout f and g? Explain.

please write clearly

In: Advanced Math

Consider the equation: ?̇ +2? = ?(?) with initial condition x(0) = 2 (a) If u(t)...

Consider the equation: ?̇ +2? = ?(?) with initial condition x(0) = 2

(a) If u(t) = 0, find the solution ?(?). What is ?(?) as t -> ∞?

(b) If u(t) = 4+t, find the solution ?(?). What is ?(?) as t -> ∞?

(c) If u(t) = ?3?, find the solution ?(?). What is ?(?) as t -> ∞?

(d) If u(t) = δ(t), find the solution ?(?). What is ?(?) as t -> ∞?

In: Advanced Math

for the following questions find : Vertex form, identify the vertex , concality and maximum/minimum. 1....

for the following questions find : Vertex form, identify the vertex , concality and maximum/minimum.
1. Q(x)=-3x^2+12x
2. K (x) = x^2 + 7x - 10
3. f(x)= 2x^2 + 4x +6

In: Advanced Math

For this Variation of parameter problem, consider the following method of solving the general linear equation...

For this Variation of parameter problem, consider the following method of solving the general linear equation of first order

y' + p(t)y= g(t)

(a) If g(t) = 0 for all t, show that the solution is

y= Aexp[ - the integral of p(t)dt] , where A is a constant

Please use good handwriting and show as many steps as possible. Thank you.

In: Advanced Math