In: Statistics and Probability
6. Texting and Drinking In a study of high school students at least 16 years of age, researchers obtained survey results summarized in the accompanying table (based on data from “Texting While Driving and Other Risky Motor Vehicle Behaviors Among U. S. High School Students,” by O’Malley, Shults, and Eaton, Pediatrics, Vol. 131, No. 6). Use a 0.05 significance level to test the claim of independence between texting while driving and driving when drinking alcohol. Are those two risky behaviors independent of each other?
Drove When Drinking Alcohol?
Yes No
Texted While Driving 731 3054
No Texting While Driving 156 4564
Triola, Marc M.. Biostatistics for the Biological and Health Sciences (p. 522). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.