In: Computer Science
What is the legal basis of the argument that privacy is a right?
Right to Privacy
Right to privacy is a concept of protecting one's personal
information from public scrutiny. It's a legal way of restricting
private and government actions that threats privacy. According to
US Justice Louis Brandeis, it is "the right to be left alone".
Mostly the right to privacy is protected by statutory law. For
example, the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) enforces the right to
privacy in different privacy statements and privacy policies.
Online privacy
Online privacy or internet privacy is a security and privacy level
of personal data published online. It refers to various
technologies, techniques, and factors used to protect private and
sensitive data, communication and preferences. For preventing
identity theft it is very important to protect personally
identifiable information. COPPA (Children's Online Privacy
Protection) Act enforces the parents right to control what
information websites collect for the children.
The Supreme Court Approaches personal autonomy and the right to privacy based on cases arises day by day. As social media is increasing continuously the public openion also changes regarding relationships and activities, by considering all these activities the Supreme Court enforces to make changes in the right to privacy.