
In: Computer Science

Design a Python program with a While loop that lets the user enter a number. The...

Design a Python program with a While loop that lets the user enter a number. The number should be multiplied by 10 and the result

stored in a variable named "product". The loop should repeat as long as the product variable < 10. Anything not completely obvious to a newbie should be commented on as in line comments. Should be modulated and repeatable as well as there should be an invocation of the main routine at the end of the program.

Grading Rubrick

Program Compiles Cleanly syntax errors
25 pts -5 per error
Program runs without runtime errors ( validation) run-time errors
25 pts -5 per error
Program give correct answers Logic errors
30 pts -5 per error
Program is repeatable Not repeatable
5 pts -5 pts
Program is well modularized Barely Modularized
10 pts - 5 pts
Documented Well Documented Some
5 pts - 3 pts
Something Cool (but relevant) beyond strict requirements Something extra
5 pts + 3 pts
Best possible grade : 105


Expert Solution

Thanks for the question. Below is the code you will be needing. Let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. 

If you are satisfied with the solution, please leave a +ve feedback : ) Let me know for any help with any other questions.

Thank You!

# function prompts for a number until a valid number is entered
# and returns the number
def getValidNumber():
    :return: a valid number
    while True:
            val = input('Enter a number: ')
            val = float(val)
            return val
            print('Error: {} is not a number'.format(val))

def main():
    num = getValidNumber()
    product = num * 10
    print('{} times 10 is {}'.format(num, product))
    while product < 10:
        num = getValidNumber()
        product = num * 10
        print('{} times 10 is {}'.format(num, product))

    print('Good Bye!')



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