
In: Accounting

See below answers. This was what I was given the first time I submitted this question,...

See below answers. This was what I was given the first time I submitted this question, with the exception of the letters on each side.

Required information

[The following information applies to the questions displayed below.]

Widmer Watercraft’s predetermined overhead rate for the year 2017 is 200% of direct labor. Information on the company’s production activities during May 2017 follows.

Purchased raw materials on credit, $220,000.

Materials requisitions record use of the following materials for the month.

Job 136 $ 49,000
Job 137 33,500
Job 138 20,200
Job 139 22,800
Job 140 7,000
Total direct materials


Indirect materials 21,000
Total materials used $ 153,500

Paid $15,750 cash to a computer consultant to reprogram factory equipment.

Time tickets record use of the following labor for the month. These wages were paid in cash.

Job 136 $ 12,100
Job 137 10,700
Job 138 37,900
Job 139 39,600
Job 140 3,200
Total direct labor 103,500
Indirect labor 25,500
Total $ 129,000

Applied overhead to Jobs 136, 138, and 139.

Transferred Jobs 136, 138, and 139 to Finished Goods.

Sold Jobs 136 and 138 on credit at a total price of $545,000.

The company incurred the following overhead costs during the month (credit Prepaid Insurance for expired factory insurance).

Depreciation of factory building $ 70,000
Depreciation of factory equipment 38,000
Expired factory insurance 11,000
Accrued property taxes payable 35,500

Applied overhead at month-end to the Work in Process Inventory account (Jobs 137 and 140) using the predetermined overhead rate of 200% of direct labor cost.

Post the journal entries for the transactions to the following T-accounts, each of which started the month with a zero balance.

Raw Materials Inventory Work in Process Inventory
a.selected answer correct 220,000selected answer correct 132,500selected answer incorrect b.selected answer correct b.selected answer correct 132,500selected answer correct 360,800selected answer correct b.selected answer incorrect
not attempted not attempted 21,000selected answer incorrect b.selected answer incorrect b.selected answer incorrect 103,500selected answer correct 82,200selected answer incorrect b.selected answer incorrect
not attempted not attempted 66,500selected answer incorrect b.selected answer incorrect b.selected answer incorrect 179,200selected answer correct not attempted not attempted
End.bal. 0 not attempted b.selected answer incorrect 27,800selected answer correct not attempted not attempted
not attempted not attempted not attempted not attempted
End.bal. 0
Factory Overhead Finished Goods Inventory
e.selected answer incorrect 21,000selected answer correct 179,200selected answer correct e.selected answer correct b.selected answer incorrect 360,800selected answer correct 219,200selected answer correct b.selected answer incorrect
e.selected answer incorrect 25,500selected answer correct 27,800selected answer correct e.selected answer incorrect b.selected answer incorrect not attempted 141,600selected answer incorrect b.selected answer incorrect
e.selected answer incorrect 11,000selected answer incorrect not attempted not attempted b.selected answer incorrect not attempted not attempted not attempted
e.selected answer incorrect 35,500selected answer incorrect not attempted not attempted End.bal. 0not attempted not attempted not attempted
c.selected answer correct 15,750selected answer correct not attempted not attempted
End.bal. 98,250 not attempted
Cost of Goods Sold
i.selected answer incorrect 219,200selected answer correct 219,200selected answer incorrect i.selected answer incorrect
not attempted not attempted not attempted not attempted
not attempted not attempted not attempted not attempted
End.bal. 0 not attempted


Expert Solution

In the books of Windmer Watercrafts:

Transaction / Event Account Titles Debits Credits
$ $
1. Raw Materials Inventory 220,000
Accounts Payable 220,000
2. Work in Process Inventory 132,500
Factory Overhead 21,000
Raw Materials Inventory 153,500
3. Factory Overhead 15,750
Cash 15,750
4. Work in Process Inventory 103,500
Factory Overhead 25,500
Cash 129,000
5. Work in Process Inventory 179,200
Factory Overhead 179,200
6. Finished Goods Inventory 360,800
Work in Process Inventory 360,800
7. Accounts Receivable 545,000
Sales 545,000
7. Cost of Goods Sold 219,200
Finished Goods Inventory 219,200
8. Factory Overhead 154,500
Accumulated Depreciation : Building 70,000
Accumulated Depreciation : Equipment 38,000
Prepaid Insurance 11,000
Property Taxes Payable 35,500
9. Work in Process Inventory 27,800
Factory Overhead 27,800

Cost Sheet: May 2017

136 137 138 139 140 Total
Beginning Balance 0 0 0 0 0 0
Manufacturing Costs during May 2017
Direct Materials 49,000 33,500 20,200 22,800 7,000 132,500
Direct Labor 12,100 10,700 37,900 39,600 3,200 103,500
Factory Overhead ( 200% of direct labor) 24,200 21,400 75,800 79,200 6,400 207,000
Total Manufacturing Costs 85,300 65,600 133,900 141,600 16,600 443,000
Less: Cost of Goods Manufactured (85,300) 0 (133,900) (141,600) 0 (360,800)
Ending Balance 0 65,600 0 0 16,600 82,200

Raw Materials Inventory:

Balance, May 1 $ 0 Work in Process Inventory $ 132,500
Purchase 220,000 Factory Overhead 21,000
Balance, May 31 66,500

Work in Process Inventory:

Balance, May 1 $ 0 Cost of Goods Manufactured 360,800
Direct Materials 132,500
Direct Labor 103,500
Factory Overhead 179,200
Factory Overhead 27,800
Balance, May 31 82,200

Finished Goods Inventory:

Balance, May 1 $ 0 Cost of Goods Sold 219,200
Cost of Goods Manufactured 360,800
Balance, May 31 141,600

Cost of Goods Sold:

Finished Goods Inventory 219,200

Factory Overhead:

Balance, May 1 $ 0 Overhead Applied $ 179,200
Indirect Materials 21,000 Overhead Applied 27,800
Indirect Labor 25,500
Factory Repairs 15,750
Depreciation Expense: Buildings 70,000
Depreciation Expense : Equipment 38,000
Factory Insurance 11,000
Property Taxes 35,500
Overhead Underapplied 9,750

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