
In: Computer Science

Discover classes for generating a student report card that lists all classes, grades, and the grade...

Discover classes for generating a student report card that lists all classes, grades, and the grade point average
for a semester. Create a UML diagram with constructors and methods. Implement the code including Javadoc comments.


Expert Solution

The classes that are needed for Student report card are : Course , Grade , Report, ReportTester , Student

public class Course {
   private String name;
   private String courseNum;
   private Grade grade;
   * default constructor for Course object - sets name and course number to N/A and grade to null
   public Course()
   { = "N/A";
       this.courseNum = "N/A";
       this.grade = null;
   * overloaded constructor for Course object
   * @param n - String to set as Course name
   * @param c - String to set as Course number
   * @param s - Grade object to set as course grade
   public Course(String n, String c, Grade g)
   { = n;
       this.courseNum = c;
       this.grade = g;
   * gets the Course name
   * @return - Course name as String object
   public String getName()
       return name;
   * gets the course number
   * @return - Course number as String object
   public String getCourseNum()
       return courseNum;
   * gets the course letter grade
   * @return - letter grade as a String
   public String getLetterGrade()
       return grade.getLetter();
   * gets the numerical grade value of Course
   * @return - grade value as a double
   public double getGradeValue()
       return grade.getNumber();
   * sets the course name to a given string
   * @param s - String to set as course name
   public void setName(String s)
       name = s;
   * sets the course number to a given string
   * @param s - String to set as course number
   public void setCourseNum(String s)
       courseNum = s;
   * sets the course section number to a given int
   * @param s - integer to set as course number
   public void setGrade(Grade s)
       grade = s;

public class Grade {
   private String letter;
   private double number;
   public Grade()
       this.letter = "N/A";
   public Grade(String l)
       this.letter = l;
   public String getLetter()
       return letter;
   public void setLetter(String l)
       letter = l;
   public double getNumber()
       if(letter == "A")
           return 4.0;
       else if(letter == "B")
           return 3.0;
       else if(letter == "C")
           return 2.0;
       else if(letter == "D")
           return 1.0;
           return 0.0;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class ReportCard {
   private Student stu;
   private ArrayList<Course> courses;
   public ReportCard()
       this.stu = null; = null;
   public ReportCard(Student s, ArrayList<Course> c)
       this.stu = s; = c;
   public double calculateGPA()
       double totalPts = 0.0;
       for(Course c : courses)
           totalPts += c.getGradeValue();
       double gpa = totalPts/courses.size();
       return Math.round(gpa * 100.0) / 100.0;
   public String toString()
       String str = "";
       str += "NAME: " + stu.getName() + "\nID: " + stu.getID() + "\n";
       str += "\nCOURSES: \n";
       for(Course c : courses)
           str += c.getName() + "\t\t\t" + c.getLetterGrade() + "\n";
       str += "\nGPA: " + calculateGPA();
       return str;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class ReportCardTester {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       Student test = new Student("Mariel T", "012345");
       ArrayList<Course> myCourses = new ArrayList<Course>();
       Course c1 = new Course("CECS 100", "8109", new Grade("A"));
       Course c2 = new Course("CECS 277", "1243", new Grade("A"));
       Course c3 = new Course("PHYS 151", "4718", new Grade("B"));
       ReportCard myReport = new ReportCard(test, myCourses);



public class Student {
   private String name;
   private String id;
   * default constructor for Student object - sets Student name & id to "N/A"
   public Student()
   { = "N/A"; = "N/A";
   * overloaded constructor for Student object
   * @param n - String to set as name attribute
   * @param i - String to set as id attribute
   public Student(String n, String i)
   { = n; = i;
   * gets the Student's name
   * @return - name attribute as String
   public String getName()
       return name;
   * gets the Student's ID
   * @return - id attribute as String
   public String getID()
       return id;
   * sets the Student name attribute to a given String
   * @param n - String to set as the name
   public void setName(String n)
       name = n;
   * sets the Student id attribute to a given String
   * @param n - String to set as the id
   public void setID(String i)
       id = i;

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