
In: Computer Science

What program would you write to solve the following problems and why does it work? Please...

What program would you write to solve the following problems and why does it work? Please also comment on other students’ code at least three times. 1) Write code to partition a linked list around a value x, such that all nodes less than x come before all nodes greater than or equal to x. If x is contained within the list, the values of x only need to be after the elements less than x. The partition element x can appear anywhere in the “right partition”; it does not need to appear between the left and right partitions. Input: 3à5à8à5à10à2à1 (partition=5) Output: 3à1à2à10à5à5à8. 2) Write a method that finds the maximum of two numbers. You should not use if-else or any other comparison operator. 3) Write methods to implement the multiply, subtract and divide operations for integers. The results of all of these are integers. Use only the add operator.


Expert Solution

// C++ program to partition a linked list around a
// given value.
using namespace std;

/* Link list Node */
struct Node
   int data;
   struct Node* next;

// A utility function to create a new node
Node *newNode(int data)
   struct Node* new_node = new Node;
   new_node->data = data;
   new_node->next = NULL;
   return new_node;

// Function to make two separate lists and return
// head after concatinating
struct Node *partition(struct Node *head, int x)
   /* Let us initialize first and last nodes of
   three linked lists
       1) Linked list of values smaller than x.
       2) Linked list of values equal to x.
       3) Linked list of values greater than x.*/
   struct Node *smallerHead = NULL, *smallerLast = NULL;
   struct Node *greaterLast = NULL, *greaterHead = NULL;
   struct Node *equalHead = NULL, *equalLast = NULL;

   // Now iterate original list and connect nodes
   // of appropriate linked lists.
   while (head != NULL)
       // If current node is equal to x, append it
       // to the list of x values
       if (head->data == x)
           if (equalHead == NULL)
               equalHead = equalLast = head;
               equalLast->next = head;
               equalLast = equalLast->next;

       // If current node is less than X, append
       // it to the list of smaller values
       else if (head->data < x)
           if (smallerHead == NULL)
               smallerLast = smallerHead = head;
               smallerLast->next = head;
               smallerLast = head;
       else // Append to the list of greater values
           if (greaterHead == NULL)
               greaterLast = greaterHead = head;
               greaterLast->next = head;
               greaterLast = head;

       head = head->next;

   // Fix end of greater linked list to NULL if this
   // list has some nodes
   if (greaterLast != NULL)
       greaterLast->next = NULL;

   // Connect three lists

   // If smaller list is empty
   if (smallerHead == NULL)
       if (equalHead == NULL)
           return greaterHead;
       equalLast->next = greaterHead;
       return equalHead;

   // If smaller list is not empty
   // and equal list is empty
   if (equalHead == NULL)
       smallerLast->next = greaterHead;
       return smallerHead;

   // If both smaller and equal list
   // are non-empty
   smallerLast->next = equalHead;
   equalLast->next = greaterHead;
   return smallerHead;

/* Function to print linked list */
void printList(struct Node *head)
   struct Node *temp = head;
   while (temp != NULL)
       printf("%d ", temp->data);
       temp = temp->next;

// Driver program to run the case
int main()
   /* Start with the empty list */
   struct Node* head = newNode(10);
   head->next = newNode(4);
   head->next->next = newNode(5);
   head->next->next->next = newNode(30);
   head->next->next->next->next = newNode(2);
   head->next->next->next->next->next = newNode(50);

   int x = 3;
   head = partition(head, x);
   return 0;

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