
In: Computer Science

Create a grade report. The grades will be stored as a list of tuples: [ (grade_percentile_1...

Create a grade report.

The grades will be stored as a list of tuples:

[ (grade_percentile_1 , grade_letter_1) , (grade_percentile_2 , grade_letter_2) , .... ]

Create each grade percentile using a random generator to uniformly choose a percent between 50% and

100%. Assign the letter grade based on the chosen percentile using the table below.

Numeric Average Letter Grade Numeric Average Letter Grade
93 - 100 A 90 - 92.99 A-
87 - 89.99 B+ 83 - 86.99 B
80 - 82.99 B- 77 - 79.99 C+
73 - 76.99 C 70 - 72.99 C-
67 - 69.99 D+ 63 - 66.99 D
60 - 62.99 D- Below 60 F

Create 35 random grades and store them as a list of 35 tuples. You decide on the class name. Then print all 35 grades to the screen, along with summary information (total number of grades, minimum grade, maximum grade, and average grade). Show all grades and the average with exactly 2 decimal places.

Submit your program script called Use functions as appropriate for optimal abstraction and encapsulation.

Here is an example of how the grade report could appear:

Grades for Applied Neural Networks    Letter Grade

    Numeric Grade (%)

86.75 B+

76.62 C+

85.50 B

74.00 C

92.35 A-

97.72 A

55.35   F

72.67 C

65.87 D

94.87 A

97.53    A

63.42 D

82.57 B

72.43 C-

87.65 B+

68.56 D+

59.34   F

62.87   D

92.62 A

Total Grades: 19

Minimum Grade: 55.35

Maximum Grade: 97.72

Average Grade: 78.35


Expert Solution



import random

def assign_letter_grade(score):

    if score <= 100 and score >=93: return "A"

    elif score <= 92.99 and score >=90: return "A-"

    elif score <= 89.99 and score >= 87: return "B+"

    elif score <= 86.99 and score >=83: return "B"

    elif score <= 82.99 and score >=80: return "B-"

    elif score <= 79.99 and score >=77: return "C+"

    elif score <= 76.99 and score >=73: return "C"

    elif score <= 72.99 and score >=70: return "C-"

    elif score <= 69.99 and score >=67: return "D+"

    elif score <= 66.99 and score >=63: return "D"

    elif score <= 62.99 and score >=60: return "D-"

    else : return "F"

List = []





for x in range(35):

    score = random.uniform(50,100)

    if(score > max):


    if(x == 0):


    elif(score < min):



    t1 = (score, assign_letter_grade(score))

    List.insert(x, t1)


print("Grades for Applied Neural Networks")

print("Numeric Grade (%)    Letter Grade")

for k in List:


    print("%.2f                  %s" % (k[0], k[1]))

print("Toal Grades: %d" % y)

print("Minimum Grade: %.2f" % min)

print("Maximum Grade: %.2f" % max)

avg = total/y

print("Average Grade: %.2f" % avg)


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