In: Biology
Write and describe about the important of Protein and Amino Acids Test in healthcare or industry.
Note: The report must not exceed 3 pages maximum (NOT include cover page and references), type of test, purposes and the important of the test with reliable references
Write and describe about the important of Protein and Amino Acids Test in healthcare or industry.
Note: The report must not exceed 3 pages maximum (NOT include cover page and references), type of test, purposes and the important of the test with reliable references
Write and describe about the important of Protein and Amino Acids Test in healthcare or industry.
Note: The report must not exceed 3 pages minimum , type of test, purposes and the important of the test with reliable references
biochemistry I need an expert
Answer- Proteins as we know are the building blocks of the body, they help in many functions like maintainance providing nutrients for the overall rowth of the human body and cells, transporting molecules throughout the body, it also helps in protection of the body from viruses and other harmful external pathogens. They also associate with other proteins to perform different essential functions of the body.
Proteins are made up of amino acids. Amino acids are compounds that have one amine group and one hydroxyl group, contains major elements like H, O, N and C. 2 amino acids are linked together by peptide bonding and when more than two amino acids join together they are called proteins. Proteins exhibit their function when they are in their quaternary state.
For the healthcare industry, proteins and amino acids are very essential elements. The process of conversion of DNA to proteins is called transcription and it is an essential requirement for our body to perform various functions. The transcription of many proteins leads to the resulting body functions like transporting various substances across various membranes, working in the ion channels, recieving signal molecules, etc. Biotechnologists these days are engineering the proteins upto a specific structure through bioinformatic techniques and bringing it into laboratories, to make it specific according to our needs of treating some disease or inhibiting some function that could be benefitial to help the body fight against infection.
These proteins are called recombinant proteins that are made by incorporating ot deleting some genes from the genome resulting in a particular asset or function. Proteins are also helpful in treating a disease against some infection or pathogen.
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