
In: Biology

Is good animal welfare complete mental and physical health, or is an animal only experiencing poor...

Is good animal welfare complete mental and physical health, or is an animal only experiencing poor welfare if it is experiencing an unpleasant mental state (so even if it has a health problem, if the animal does not feel it, then it does not have a problem of welfare)

• Do we simply ensure that animals have access to an environment that is sufficient to meet their physical requirements, or do we consider their affective state also?   

• We have a number of tools for measuring negative welfare, but if we aspire to improve conditions, shouldn’t we also be identifying ways of maximising positive welfare states?   

• How do we define animal welfare and identify welfare issues in the livestock industry?   

• Use the following table as an example of how you can think about the advantages or disadvantages of each method of animal welfare assessment under intensive or extensive housing conditions. A key concept would be which measures are practical and relevant?


Expert Solution

* The concept of animal welfare encompasses three main elements: firstly, the proper functioning of the body, for which the animals must be healthy and obviously with adequate nutrition; the emotional state of the animal; and the possibility of expressing some normal behaviours in their species. Thus, an animal has welfare when it is healthy, comfortable and well fed; furthermore, it can express its innate behavior, and does not suffer pain, fear or distress. The most obvious sign of the importance of a behavior but that a behavior is important per se is that the animal shows a stress response or exhibits abnormal behaviors when it cannot express the indicated behavior.

Based, then, on the definition in the previous paragraph, ensuring that an animal simply meets its physical requirements is not enough, since the emotional state is another characteristic of its welfare.

* The principle of the five freedoms exists, and establishes:

1.- The animal does not suffer thirst, hunger or malnutrition. This seeks to guarantee that the animal will have access to water and food not only in sufficient quantity, but of a quality that assures its adequate nutrition
2.- The animal does not suffer from thermal or physical stress. In this way, it is guaranteed that it has a nesting or resting area with the appropriate conditions for its species
3.- The animal does not suffer pain, injuries or illnesses. The environment must guarantee its physical integrity and protection against diseases and natural aggressions
4.- The animal is capable of showing its normal patterns of behaviour, so it must have a suitable environment, and the possibility of meeting (or isolating itself, if appropriate) with other members of its species.
5.- The animal does not experience fear or distress. He is guaranteed a safe environment
Thus, we can see that it is not only the physical part that will guarantee your well-being, but that the environment must provide you with security. The principle of the 5 freedoms is a very useful tool in determining the welfare of an animal

The livestock sector is aware that the proper handling and treatment of animals results in greater productivity. One of the ways to evaluate animal welfare is by studying the reactions to the caretaker (existence or absence of fear and flight).

Indicators of animal welfare in farming can be divided into two groups: the farm (facilities, use and management) and animals (behaviour and production-health).

The table mentioned as example is not shown in the question. But we can say that for a welfare assessment protocol to be complete it must include observations of the farm (structure, spaces and equipment), use of the facilities (density and animal flow) and management (feeding, drinking, temperature, ventilation, animal supervision, preventive and curative treatments, etc.).

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