In: Economics
Case 10- Wyndham Worldwide adopts a stakeholder orientation marketing strategy.
Natalie Cespedes Case 10
Wyndham Worldwide Adopts a Stakeholder Orientation Marketing
| Pageaddress the demands. (he Wyndham has de+eloped new initiati+es to "ene%it its &stomers and employees. (hey are working to identi%y and monitor the threats and taken on the opport&nities in this hanging en+ironment. Now on to the seond aronym W is %or weaknesses. (he %ollowing will dis&ss two o% Wyndham#s weaknesses inl&ding $igh Cost o% strategy and Marketing Con%lits. (he third aronym is O %or opport&nity. (he Wyndham an set %orth "y taking part in '&t&re growth in hotel ind&stry and New Markets. As the international property pries are lowering it gi+es the Wyndham ahane to e-pand the hain glo"ally and make strategi deisions %or its "rand image. When the ompanydeide to go into the getting its green erti%iation thro&gho&t its %ailities this opens doors into the go green market pro+iding en+ironmental %riendly prod&ts and it allows a glo"ally ad+antage %or %&t&re endea+ors. 'inally/ the last aronym is (/ whih stands %or (hreats. (he &nsta"le ind&stry and its ompetitors are some o% the Wyndham#s threats. (he ind&stry o% lodging is &nsta"le as it relies hea+ily on eonomi onditions. (he ompetitors inl&de Marriott/ MM/ Starwood/ and Wynn. ,t is r&ial %or the Wyndham to make s&re it is staying on top and in %orward o% ompetition always ha+ing the ne-t "est prod&t. (he points a"o+e s&m &p the SWO( analysis %or sigma. .Wyndham
s di+erse "rands ontri"&te to &stomer satis%ation and marketing per%ormane in %ollowing ways* Beginning with the Compliane program. (he Wyndham has e-e&ted a ompliane program to strengthen ethis thro&gho&t the ompany. (hey ha+e dra%ted a thoro&gh Code o% B&siness Cond&t that has reei+ed top sores %rom the thisphere ,nstit&te %or its omprehensi+eness and a+aila"ility to stakeholders. Another way the Wyndham ontri"&tes to &stomer is reating a &stomer relationships. When ons&mers think a"o&t and assoiate the Wyndham hotel ompany the %irst tho&ght that sho&ld ome to hand is an &psale hotel hains that targets high end ons&mers. $owe+er/ the Wyndham targets tra+elers %rom aross the world and soial stat&s. 'or e-ample/ they ha+e di%%erent hotels that e-pend the