
In: Statistics and Probability

Cash withdrawals from a college credit union for a random sample of 30 Fridays and 30...

  1. Cash withdrawals from a college credit union for a random sample of 30 Fridays and 30 Mondays are shown. At α = .05, is there a difference in the mean withdrawal on Monday and Friday? The data are shown below and may be found in the data filed named
    • First test to determine if the variances in cash withdrawals differ between Friday and Monday. Show and follow the 7 steps.  
    • Verify your results in part (a) using Minitab.
    • Using the information from your results in part (a), test to determine if the average cash withdrawals differ between Friday and Monday. Follow and show the 7 steps for hypothesis testing.  
    • Refer to part c, give and interpret the p-value.  
    • Verify your results in part (c) using Minitab.

Randomly Chosen Cash Withdrawals ($)
































































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(b) Minitab output:

Test and CI for Two Variances: Firday, Monday


Null hypothesis         Sigma(Firday) / Sigma(Monday) = 1
Alternative hypothesis Sigma(Firday) / Sigma(Monday) not = 1
Significance level      Alpha = 0.05


Variable   N   StDev Variance
Firday    30 81.684 6672.299
Monday    30 71.631 5131.034

Ratio of standard deviations = 1.140
Ratio of variances = 1.300

95% Confidence Intervals

                                   CI for
Distribution   CI for StDev       Variance
of Data            Ratio           Ratio
Normal        (0.787, 1.653) (0.619, 2.732)
Continuous    (0.213, 4.795) (0.045, 22.994)


Method                          DF1 DF2 Statistic       P-Value
F Test (normal)                  29   29       1.30           0.484
Levene's Test (any continuous)    1   58       0.04    0.847



Minitab output:

Two-Sample T-Test and CI: Firday, Monday

Two-sample T for Firday vs Monday

         N Mean StDev Mean
Firday 30 50.3   81.7    15
Monday 30 50.0   71.6    13

Difference = mu (Firday) - mu (Monday)
Estimate for difference: 0.3
95% CI for difference: (-39.4, 40.0)
T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = 0.02 P-Value = 0.987 DF = 58
Both use Pooled StDev = 76.8223

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