
In: Finance

a) (13 pts) A stock price is currently $49. It is known that at the end...

a) (13 pts) A stock price is currently $49. It is known that at the end of 6 months it will be either $57 or $42. The risk-free rate of interest with continuous compounding is 11% per year. Calculate the value of a 6-month European call option on the stock with an exercise price of $48 using both the no-arbitrage arguments and risk-neutral valuation arguments. Show that they provide the same answers. b) (12 pts) Consider an option on a non-dividend-paying stock when the stock price is $42, the exercise price is $41, the annual risk-free interest rate is 2.5%, the volatility is 20% per annum, and the time to maturity is a quarter. (a) What is the price of the option according to the Black-Scholes-Merton formula if it is a European call? (b) What is the price of the option if it is an American call? (c) What is the price of the option if it is a European put?


Expert Solution

Calaculation of Call option with risk Neutral Valuation
Step 1:- Given factors
Current market price SP0 $49.00
Exercise price EP $48.00
Lower Future spot price FP1 lower of SP0 $42.00
Higher Future spot price FP2 higher of SP0 $57.00
Risk free rate of return(e^.11*6/12)=e^0.055 e^rt 11%           1.0565
Time t 6 Months                0.50
Step 2:-
Calculation of Risk Nuetral Probability
us FP2/SP0                           1.16
ds FP1/SP0                           0.86
P(Risk Nuetral Probability) (R-ds)/(u-ds)                           0.65
Step 3:-
Binomial Tree
Probability=0.65 $57.00 Exercise(Cu) $9.00
Probability=0.35 $42.00 Lapse(Cd) $0.00
Step 4:-
Value of Call option Cu*p+Cd*(1-p)/R $5.85
Calaculation of Call option with no-arbitrage arguments
Current market price $49.00
Present value of Exercise Price
(48*e^-0.11*6/12)=(48*e^-0.055)=(48*0.9465) $45.43
Value of call option Current market price-Present value of Exercise price
Value of call option $3.57
So, value of call option throuth both approach is different.

Only part (a) answar given. I will provide part (b) answar if i found this question again or inquired.   

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