In: Accounting
I need a brief explanation of these ideas in accounting 2 (1 or 2 paragraphs) to show the main purpose of the class
Accounting for corporations
Long-term liabilities
Reporting the statement of cash flows
Analysis of financial statement
corporation is an entity recognised by law as possessing an exitence separate and district from its owners It is seprate legal entity . Corporation have a remarkable avbility to obtain huge amount of capital necessary . Corporation accounting having following advantage :
1) Easy transfer of Ownership
2) limited Liability
3) Easy capital generation
4) Professioanl management
Corpiration Accounting having coupld of disadvantage like Double taxation and Givernment regulation
Long term Liability - While reviwing Balane Sheet , one of the
obligation resulting from a previous event .This liability is not
due with in One year time period as on balance Sheet date . Long
term liability also represents " Non current Liability "
Movement of long term liability will help to understand companies
cash flow position . Coupl of long term liability includes - Bond
payable , long term loan , pension liability, As per stabdard all
long term liability we need to calculate current and Non current
position whihc help us to determined working capital
Investment mainly represents purchase of goods that are not consumed today but which will create future economic benefit and creation of wealth . As per financal term , Invetsment mean purchase of Monetary asset with aim that the asset will provide income in near future
Investment assets are tangible or intangible item obtained for providing additional income or held for speculation . Invesment accounting process now disclose in the financial statement as per IFRS 9 . Invetsment company can make on Debt , Equity . Company uised to follow fair vakue metod of accounting in case of Investment
Reporting the statement of vash flow - cash flow is one of the major componenet for any company to disclose companies cash and cash equivalent baalnce . As per standard , company used to follow Indirect method to isclose Cash flow whihc mainly cover cash flow from operation, cash flow from investment and Financial activity . Cash flow from operation normally cover all movement of current asset as well as current liability and its start with companies Net profit adjusted with Depreciation, amortization with allabnormal expenses ( provision for doubtful ebt ) + abnormal gain
Cash flow from Investment activity mainly consist of major capex Cash flow from Financial activity include movement of loan issue , loan repaymen , long term liability , Dividend paymebt , stock repurchase .