
In: Computer Science

*in Java 1.Create a card class with two attributes, suit and rank. 2.In the card class,...

*in Java

1.Create a card class with two attributes, suit and rank.

2.In the card class, create several methods:

a. createDeck – input what type of deck (bridge or pinochle) is to be created and output an array of either 52 or 48 cards.

b.shuffleDeck – input an unshuffled deck array and return a shuffled one.

+ Create a swap method to help shuffle the deck

c. countBridgePoints – inputs a 13-card bridge ‘hand’-array and returns the number of high-card points

d. writeHandOutput – input a bridge-hand and prints it out on the monitor

e. writeDeckOuput – inputs a deck of bridge cards and prints it out on the monitor

  1. main method should:

a. Ask the user what kind of deck he/she wants to create (pinochle or bridge). For this project, have the user input ‘bridge’.

b. Create the user-asked-for deck

c. Print out the unshuffled deck

d. Shuffle the deck

e. Create 4 Bridge hands of 13 cards each, call them North, South, East and West.

+ Deal every fourth card to each of the hands

f. Calculate the high-card-points in each hand

g. Print out each hand and the number of high-card-points associated with each hand

h. Sort the hands from highest to lowest number of points – use Insertion Sort we did before

i. Print out each hands points from highest to lowest.


Expert Solution

I'm not sure whether my code is correct or wrong, but I hope it works. Actually I don't know the play of pinochle or the Bridge Game, so I wrote the code for the HighLow Game with a slight modifications in the method names! Hope it works with you.

Source Code:

public class Card {
   public final static int SPADES = 0;   // Codes for the 4 suits, plus Joker.
   public final static int HEARTS = 1;
   public final static int DIAMONDS = 2;
   public final static int CLUBS = 3;
   public final static int JOKER = 4;
   public final static int ACE = 1;      // Codes for the non-numeric cards.
   public final static int JACK = 11;    //   Cards 2 through 10 have their 
   public final static int QUEEN = 12;   //   numerical values for their codes.
   public final static int KING = 13;
   private final int suit; 
   private final int value;
   public Card() {
      suit = JOKER;
      value = 1;
   public Card(int theValue, int theSuit) {
      if (theSuit != SPADES && theSuit != HEARTS && theSuit != DIAMONDS && 
            theSuit != CLUBS && theSuit != JOKER)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal playing card suit");
      if (theSuit != JOKER && (theValue < 1 || theValue > 13))
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal playing card value");
      value = theValue;
      suit = theSuit;
   public int getSuit() {
      return suit;
   public int getValue() {
      return value;
   public String getSuitAsString() {
      switch ( suit ) {
      case SPADES:   return "Spades";
      case HEARTS:   return "Hearts";
      case DIAMONDS: return "Diamonds";
      case CLUBS:    return "Clubs";
      default:       return "Joker";
   public String getValueAsString() {
      if (suit == JOKER)
         return "" + value;
      else {
         switch ( value ) {
         case 1:   return "Ace";
         case 2:   return "2";
         case 3:   return "3";
         case 4:   return "4";
         case 5:   return "5";
         case 6:   return "6";
         case 7:   return "7";
         case 8:   return "8";
         case 9:   return "9";
         case 10:  return "10";
         case 11:  return "Jack";
         case 12:  return "Queen";
         default:  return "King";
   public String toString() {
      if (suit == JOKER) {
         if (value == 1)
            return "Joker";
            return "Joker #" + value;
         return getValueAsString() + " of " + getSuitAsString();

} // end class Card

This is the required card class.

Now the program for the HighLow game is given below:

Source Code:

import textio.TextIO;
public class HighLow {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      System.out.println("This program lets you play the simple card game,");
      System.out.println("HighLow.  A card is dealt from a deck of cards.");
      System.out.println("You have to predict whether the next card will be");
      System.out.println("higher or lower.  Your score in the game is the");
      System.out.println("number of correct predictions you make before");
      System.out.println("you guess wrong.");
      int gamesPlayed = 0;     // Number of games user has played.
      int sumOfScores = 0;     // The sum of all the scores from 
                               //      all the games played.
      double averageScore;     // Average score, computed by dividing
                               //      sumOfScores by gamesPlayed.
      boolean playAgain;       // Record user's response when user is 
                               //   asked whether he wants to play 
                               //   another game.
      do {
         int scoreThisGame;        // Score for one game.
         scoreThisGame = play();   // Play the game and get the score.
         sumOfScores += scoreThisGame;
         System.out.print("Play again? ");
         playAgain = TextIO.getlnBoolean();
      } while (playAgain);
      averageScore = ((double)sumOfScores) / gamesPlayed;
      System.out.println("You played " + gamesPlayed + " games.");
      System.out.printf("Your average score was %1.3f.\n", averageScore);
   }  // end main()
   private static int play() {
      Deck deck = new Deck();  // Get a new deck of cards, and 
                               //   store a reference to it in 
                               //   the variable, deck.
      Card currentCard;  // The current card, which the user sees.

      Card nextCard;   // The next card in the deck.  The user tries
                       //    to predict whether this is higher or lower
                       //    than the current card.

      int correctGuesses ;  // The number of correct predictions the
                            //   user has made.  At the end of the game,
                            //   this will be the user's score.

      char guess;   // The user's guess.  'H' if the user predicts that
                    //   the next card will be higher, 'L' if the user
                    //   predicts that it will be lower.
      deck.shuffle();  // Shuffle the deck into a random order before
                       //    starting the game.

      correctGuesses = 0;
      currentCard = deck.dealCard();
      System.out.println("The first card is the " + currentCard);
      while (true) {  // Loop ends when user's prediction is wrong.
         /* Get the user's prediction, 'H' or 'L' (or 'h' or 'l'). */
         System.out.print("Will the next card be higher (H) or lower (L)?  ");
         do {
             guess = TextIO.getlnChar();
             guess = Character.toUpperCase(guess);
             if (guess != 'H' && guess != 'L') 
                System.out.print("Please respond with H or L:  ");
         } while (guess != 'H' && guess != 'L');
         /* Get the next card and show it to the user. */
         nextCard = deck.dealCard();
         System.out.println("The next card is " + nextCard);
         /* Check the user's prediction. */
         if (nextCard.getValue() == currentCard.getValue()) {
            System.out.println("The value is the same as the previous card.");
            System.out.println("You lose on ties.  Sorry!");
            break;  // End the game.
         else if (nextCard.getValue() > currentCard.getValue()) {
            if (guess == 'H') {
                System.out.println("Your prediction was correct.");
            else {
                System.out.println("Your prediction was incorrect.");
                break;  // End the game.
         else {  // nextCard is lower
            if (guess == 'L') {
                System.out.println("Your prediction was correct.");
            else {
                System.out.println("Your prediction was incorrect.");
                break;  // End the game.
         currentCard = nextCard;
         System.out.println("The card is " + currentCard);
      } // end of while loop
      System.out.println("The game is over.");
      System.out.println("You made " + correctGuesses 
                                           + " correct predictions.");
      return correctGuesses;
   }  // end play()

} // end class HighLow

Hope this helps you well!!

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