In: Economics
Understanding how the American university culture affects students requires analyzing the cultural norms that students bring to college and how these norms interact with the norms institutionalized in university settings. Cultural models of self—implicit understandings of oneself in relation to others and the social context—are one important source of these individual and institutional norms (Cross & Madson, 1997; Markus & Kitayama, 2010). Research conducted in a variety of cultural contexts has identified two common models of self that provide culture-specific norms for how to think, feel, and act (Markus & Kitayama, 1991). The independent model of self assumes that the normatively appropriate person should influence the context, be separate or distinct from other people, and act freely based on personal motives, goals, and preferences (Markus & Kitayama, 2003). In contrast, the interdependent model of self assumes that the normatively appropriate person should adjust to the conditions of the context, be connected to others, and respond to the needs, preferences, and interests of others. The independent and interdependent models both constitute sets of social norms, each providing a different guide or blueprint for how people should relate to others and to the social world (Adams, Anderson, & Adonu, 2004).
1. The above passage indicates two different sets of social norms. What are they?
2. Compare and contrast each set of social norms with the axiology of economics.
3. Which set of social norms is less similar to that axiology?
4. What would that predict the success of first-generation college students who study economics?
1. There are Two sets of Social norms-
A) Independent Set of Norms- This type of social set of norms deal with the the personal decision of people's. the decision taken by people are motivated by personal interest, goal and self desire.
B) Interdependent Set of norms- This type of norms deals with the society driven decision. Personal decisions are affected by the society's interest and goals.
2. The economical axiology mainly deals with the follow types.
A) Independent Set of Norms- In this case the person only thinks about the personal interest. he just want to maximize his profit by economical activities and totally ignore the socialist behaviour of economics.
B) Interdependent Set of Norms- In this case person is motivated by the social welfare of the society.which leads to the societies benefit.This case totally apposed the personal greediness and wants a better life and betterment of society.
3. The first set of norms are less similar with the economical axiology. because i think economics provide the scope for personal profit but along with that one should also think about the society becasuse that person himself is a part of the society and have some belongingness to the society. This Set is totally appose the society welfare and concentrate on personal greediness. If this type of norms is going to follow then definitely earth will be in danger.
4. I thinks this is perfectly the best model gor the students happiness and growth. When there is a exchange of norms and thoughts then there will be the progress of the students as well as the country. The university will lead into the better place for the students. The second set of norms of interdependent set will allow the better future for students. and that will leads to the betterment of society.