
In: Computer Science

Questions of this part analyze the students’ understanding in analyzing the given scenario and practical skills...

Questions of this part analyze the students’ understanding in analyzing the given scenario and practical skills to build Class diagrams studied in chapters 8, 10 and 12 of IT242.

The management of the groceries ordering system would desire to have a database system to keep track of orders, customers, drivers and stores. Read the following paragraph to answer the given questions.

The system maintains four users' information. For each user, the system keeps a unique ID, name, login, password, address, contact number, category (Grocery Owner, admin, customer and driver) and status (approved by admin or not). Each Grocery Owner has an address and name of the store. He can view one or more order also it can manage one or more product. Each order has an order ID, amount to pay, status and rate service. An order can be managed by one grocery owner and one admin. A single order is associated with one or more product. The product details to be stored are reference, quantity and price. A product can be processed by one grocery owner. Each driver can view and change the status of one or more order. An order can be assigned to one driver only. Each customer can make one or more order and fill zero or more complaints. Each complaint has a complaint ID, title, body and date. A complaint can be handled by one admin. Each admin can approve registration of store owners, drivers, and customers. He can view reports about the service ratings.

3.1 Draw a Class diagram for the given database. The diagram must show all classes, relationships between classes, and multiplicities.



Expert Solution

Class diagram for groceries management database with the relationship among the classes and its multiplicities.

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