
In: Operations Management

ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND MANAGEMENT Benchmark Information This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies: BS in...


Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

BS in Accounting; BS in Business Administration; BS in Business Analytics; BS in Business Information Systems; BS in Business Management; BS in Entrepreneurial Studies; BS in Finance; BS in Finance and Economics; BS in Hospitality Management; BS in Marketing and Advertising; BS in Sports Management; BS in Supply Chain and Logistics Management

1.1: Demonstrate skills for effective collaboration, negotiation, and teamwork.

BS in Applied Management

1.4: Demonstrate skills for effective collaboration, negotiation, and teamwork.

BS in Homeland Security and Emergency Management

2.2: Demonstrate skills for effective collaboration, negotiation, and teamwork.

The major responsibilities of human resources management (HRM) are attracting, developing, and maintaining a quality workforce. Research an organization, with which you are familiar, that is in need of a change and present how you will manage the change process by incorporating the three essential duties of HRM. Throughout this assignment, teammates will need to demonstrate skills for effective collaboration, negotiation, and teamwork.

Address following in your presentation:

  1. Provide an overview of the organization you have chosen including three subsystems of the organization, three stakeholders of the organization, and the reason for selecting this organization.
  2. What one major organizational subsystem needs to be changed in the organization? Justify your choice. How does it compare to a similar successful organization?
  3. How will the subsystem change affect the two other subsystems within the organization that you have identified and how will you realign the total system?
  4. Identify and explain how you would ensure that the proposed change will satisfy any three stakeholders of the organization?
  5. How should the organization attract, develop, and maintain the workforce required to bring about your proposed change?
    1. Choose at least one of the following in your discussion about attracting a quality workforce to support the change in Questions 2 and 3 above: human resource planning, recruitment, or selection.
    2. Choose at least one of the following in your discussion about developing a quality workforce to support the change in Questions 2 and 3 above: (and this must tie in to 5a too): employee orientation, training and development, or performance appraisal.
    3. Choose at least one of the following in your discussion about maintaining a quality workforce to support the change in Questions 2 and 3 above (and must relate to 5a and 5b): career development, work-life balance, compensation and benefits, employee retention and turnover, or labor-management relations.


Expert Solution

Organizational change in Wal-Mart

The business organization that I am going to deploy in this paper is Wal-Mart Organization. Walmart which is considered among the American successful business organization operates as a chain of discount diartment stores, hypermarkets, as well as grocery stores. This business organization has its headquarter in Bentonville, Arkansas. The Wal-Mart organization was established in the year 1962 by Sam Walton and later incorporated in the year 1969. On another hand, the three key stakeholders of the Wal-Mart organization are as highlighted below. The foremost key stakeholders are the Wal-Mart organization’s employees, who comprise all workers of this organization around the word. The second key stakeholders are the customers of this organization, which includes people worldwide who makes their shopping from this organization. Last key stakeholders are board of directors who controls the running of this business organization. Subsequently, the three vital subsystems in the Wal-Mart organizations are; departments, teams, and programs. The reason why I have selected Wal-Mart as my business organization to exploit in this paper is because I like how this organization conducts its business and I want it to be more successful. Therefore I am going to reveal several changes that this organization needs to impress so that it emerges the top business organization not only in USA but globally (Kampf, 2007).

The major subsystem that needs to be changed in Wal-Mart organization is team. Team plays a critical path in success of any business organization. For instance, in organization where there is team work, the production is always high. However, in Wal-Mart organization, team work is poor. Most workers do not like cooperating and executing duties as team members. Every member is competing with the other. As a consequence, the organization ends up with low production. In any successful organization, employees always embrace teamwork. For example, in Coca-Cola Company, which is among the most successful company, employees always embraces team work (Chang, 1997). Therefore, for the Wal-Mart organization to be more successful it must teach its employees the need and importance of team work. Thus, according to my opinion, if the Wal-Mart organization is going to successful implement and embrace team work; it is going to be more successful.

Similarly, working on the team subsystem is of great value as it is going to positively influence the other two crucial subsystems in a positive way as discussed below. Foremost, with good team work in the Wal-Mart business organization, its departments are going to be stronger and life. Every department is going to emulate teamwork. As a result, every department is going to be more productive than before. For example, with good team work, members in each department will be working freely to each other. No employees will fear inquiring any of the members in their department due to good team work. Similarly, departments are going to be more competitive, members of the department will not be competing among themselves rather they will be competing other departments in the same organization. As a result, the production of this organization is going to significantly raise hence the success of the organization. Consequently, good team work is going to positively influence the programs of this organization. For example, all important organizational programs are going to be followed by all workers without objections. Subsequently, with good team work, the employees are going to be free to propose all programs that they think they are important ant can take the Wal-Mart to the next level as far as business is concerned. Therefore, incorporation of good teamwork at Wal-Mart is going to help this company increase its productivity as it will have positive influence on the other two crucial subsystems (McNamara, 2014).

On the other hand, the proposed change in team work is going to benefit every stakeholder greatly in various ways as highlighted below. Foremost, for the employees of the Wal-Mart, they are going to enjoy working here than before. There will be no more struggling among employees as they tries to compete among themselves. Employees are going to work smoothly as one team for the purpose of achieving the key goal set by Wal-Mart as an organization. Subsequently, good teamwork is going to increase innovation among workers. Innovation is of great value not only to the employees but other stakeholders. For instance, innovation will make the working of the employees easy. Similarly, innovation is going to increase the production of the organization hence board of directors will benefit much. Similarly, with high level of innovation as a result of good team work, customers are going to enjoy. For example, customers are going to get high quality product from this organization at a lower price. It is important to note that in an organization where there is high level of innovation especially in its technology, production cost is always low, and hence such organization makes a lot of profit (McNamara, 2014).

For the Wal-Mart organization to have good team work as I have proposed in this paper, it must take the following critical steps. Foremost, the leaders of various teams in the organization should always encourage unity among team members. Team leaders must not harass any of its members. Subsequently, team leaders needs to understand each member well, there likes and their dislikes. Consequently, team leaders should give freedom to their team members to freely express their opinion about any problem presented before them. Member should be given freedom of trying something new without fear as this will eventually enhance innovation in the organization. Similarly, in every department, the heads must learn to communicate well with their juniors. The heads of departments needs to make each member feel like part of the organization rather than a mere employee. Thus, when the head of department is not around, he or she can delegate the authority to any member. Delegation of authority acts as a great motivation to employees. Employees they feels much appreciated and the feel as part and parcel of the organization. As a consequence, such employees will always work hard, whether with or without their boss around. Furthermore, team leaders and heads of departments need to frequently communicate to their teams any changes that are necessary in organization. They must consult with employees; take their opinion before implementing any changes in organization. Consulting employees before making any changes in the organization is of great significant value as it helps the leader to determine whether the change they are implementing is going to affect organization positively or negatively (McNamara, 2014).

Training and development is going to be of great value in developing good team work in the Wal-Mart organization. Firstly, the company is going to add skills of its workers through training and development. For instance, with training and development, each work is going to acquire the necessary skills to work in the given department. Similarly, trained workers are going to effectively execute their duties in various teams and departments as expected by the company. Furthermore, with training and development, there will be high level of technology in production as a result of innovation, which will eventually lead to high production as well as increase in quality of their products (Myerson, 2012).

For the Wal-Mart business organization to maintain good team work as proposed in this paper, it must embrace the following to ensure employee retention and hence reduce turnover. The organization needs to motivate its workers. For example, the department or team that has performed excellently must be rewarded. The reward can be in form of money, present of even just congratulating them. Subsequently, team leaders, heads of department, and managers should treat each work fairly and equally so that no work feels like being harassed or discriminated. As a result, no employee will want to leave this organization; hence the organization will retain its high skilled employees (Samuel & Chipunza, 2009).


Chang, H. C. (1997). Coca Cola Company (Doctoral dissertation, Calif. State University, Hayward).

Kampf, C. (2007). Corporate social responsibility: WalMart, Maersk and the cultural bounds of representation in corporate web sites. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 12(1), 41-57.

McNamara, M. (2014). Collaboration windows, entrepreneurs, and subsystems: Setting the stage for partnership to rebuild Louisiana's coast. Journal for Nonprofit Management, 42-65.

Myerson, P. (2012). Lean supply chain and logistics management. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Samuel, M. O., & Chipunza, C. (2009). Employee retention and turnover: Using motivational variables as a panacea. African journal of business management, 3(9), 410.


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