
In: Biology

Movie"Animal pharm:Inside transgenic and cloning 1)Chose an animal that was genetically modified and explain what they...

Movie"Animal pharm:Inside transgenic and cloning 1)Chose an animal that was genetically modified and explain what they were doing to make it better.2)DO you agree with this or not?why or why not? 3)what will you propose to be done to solve the same problem that they wanted to do?


Expert Solution

1). A GMO is Rosy cow which has better nutritious milk with advantage of some protein for human welfare.

GMO(Genetically modified organisam):-- these are genetically engineered and genes of interest are allowed to Incorporate in genome of such organism so that they give us better yield. eg.Rosy cow, FAB1A-GFP(Transgenic plant or GMO) etc.

What do they to make them better?

Ans: -- The underlying principle in production of GMO is based on DNA or GENE TRANSFER. The foreign gene is "Must be transferred through Germ line,So that every cell, including germ cells, of the animal contain the same modified genetict material"

Now come to these method how they are produced?

Basic method are:

1). DNA micro injection

2). Retrovirus mediated gene transfer

3). Embryonic stem cell mediated gene transfer

IN 1). Transfer of gene is inserted in pronucleus of reproductive cell of host organism.

IN 2). Retro virus is used and resulting in chimera(an organism carrying tissue and parts of diverse genetic constitution. Chimera is interbred for as many as 20 generation until homozygous Transgenic offspring formed.

IN 3). Isolation of totipotent cell from embryos and tranfertrof gene of interest into this cells containg the desired DNA are Incorporated into host embryo, resulting in chimeric animal.

2). Do you agree with this?

Look different aspect is there.

First of all I say NO. I am not agree due to following points

A). Is human welfare the only consideration? What about welfare of other life forms?

B).Who gave rights to humans for this alteration in genome of animals . Was that God? We dont have right to alteration nature.

But on the other hand It is being done for welfare of humans in limited way various laws are there to limiting these experiments. So I say Yes for some time that it is the need of us as well as many plants or animals which are going to extinct can be saved by this techniques by bringing some improvement.

3). By improvements in food nutrition as well as science should find the alternate of this. Because Science is that thing on which our life depends. Our improved life is due to discoveries in Science.

That's it.

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